Chapter 2

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The result of secretly enduring the pain was being sent to a private hospital.

Levin was lucky not to die. But the situation is not up to the level of optimism.

The reason is probably that something suddenly appeared in his mind. Not a virus, not a tumor, but a system.

[Dear host, congratulations on awakening the male worm atavism system! ]

If it wasn't for Levin's extreme weakness after mental frenzy, lying on the hospital bed and unable to move, he would have rang the bell to call someone.

He naturally knew that the voice came from his own spiritual sea, which is also quite fatal.

Females don't have mental power, but they have the same spiritual sea as males. It is the source of the female's insanity, and it is also the most private depth of consciousness that only the female herself and her chosen male master can enter.

Now, it was actually invaded by a weird artificial intelligence.

[What artificial intelligence! They are an atavistic system! Does the host not remember? We have met in a previous life. You were sent by me! ]

Just as the system said. Not only did Levin have an extra system this time, but he also passively watched a revolving door in the spiritual sea before waking up. That was the 22-year life of an ordinary man. The last man who died accidentally was selected by the system to be reborn.

But this specious experience obviously didn't impress the cautious Levine.

  [……Oh my God. Host, how can you trust me! I really think about you! ]

Levin turned the only eyeball that could move, and observed the ward.

It was still early, the ward was silent, and it seemed that no one would appear in a short time.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant. After seeing that the system did not respond to his thoughts, he took the initiative to reply in his mental sea for the first time: "What is your purpose?"

The system felt that it was too difficult.

[The host can just call me Zuzu. I really won't harm you, the main purpose of appearing now is to help you return to your ancestors as soon as possible, and become the most precious and powerful male of the Zerg race. ]

Levin's eyelids twitched, enduring the desire to interrupt, and took the initiative to guide Zuzu to continue speaking.

"Male worm?"

[Yes! You, the host, are the only atavistic male in the Zerg race today. You have the extraordinary physique, perfect insect shape and huge spiritual power of the ancient males! ]

Levin twitched the corner of his stiff mouth, and his temples throbbed.

Was he pretending too much in front of Arlo? What is the purpose of the Lover family secretly playing tricks in his spiritual world and making up such a set of unreliable remarks?

"I have been born with a bug shape, the most standard female bug. I haven't awakened any spiritual power."

Zuzu didn't know what Levin was really thinking, so he only focused on answering his questions.

[The process of returning to the ancestors does not happen overnight. Back then, I spent all my energy sending you across time, only awakening the bug form for you. After that, I hibernate for a long time, unable to communicate with you. In recent years, your spiritual power has grown wildly, and this time it has created unprecedented pressure on the spiritual sea. Originally, your life was really in danger this time, but fortunately, my emergency mode was triggered and I saved you with the energy accumulated over the years. You must listen to my arrangement, otherwise, you will definitely not be able to survive the next burst of mental power! ]

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