"Well, when the games start, I'll be the one that gets to say my roomie is the tall one dunking on everyone!" she called over. "Wait, can you dunk? Do girls dunk?"

               "Believe it or not, only eight women players have dunked in college." Yeah, I looked it up, because I wanted to know what number I was going to be. My coach in high school never let me do that because he never wanted me to show up the other teams, so we just beat them with layups and three pointers. But yeah, I could dunk.

               "But can you?"

               "Damn right I can," I said with a smile. "I'm gonna throw some down!"

               "Fuck yeah! Then I'm gonna be bragging to everyone! Do I get one of your jerseys?"

               "Gee, I thought only girlfriends did that? Are you switching teams?" I wondered. I was just teasing her. Hell, I'd get her one if I could, it wasn't like I could give one to Tegan.

               She was silent for a minute before sighing. "I don't know. It's all confusing. My mom and dad are really catholic, and I can't even imagine me bringing home a girl. Every day before school she'd say go find a nice boy, but no kissing till we meet him. But all the boys at school weren't interested. But now that I'm here, even if I'm not really a nerd, I'm just not into the guys. I've tried, but it isn't working. Does that make sense?"

               I nodded slowly. "Of course. Everyone figures things out in their own way. It isn't like we have to have our entire life figured out when we're freshmen. My granny and pops down in Charlotte, they told me a story about her granny, I guess may great, great great granny, and she lived in Ohio with her husband ages ago. I guess her and the hubby each had a side piece, but hers was a girl and his was a guy. They even had secret passages in their house, so nobody knew what was happening. Everyone just called them their aunt and uncle. But none of that even happened till the kids were out of the house and they were living on their own. They were all in their 50s before they decided to live their lives the way they wanted to. If you want to try being with a girl, then you should. If you want to find a guy, go for it. Hell, if you want to wait because you're not sure, do that too. Sexuality is all over the place, like the biggest menu ever and tons of side dishes. Order whatever the fuck you want."

               "What about you?" she rolled onto her side to face me.

               "What about me? Are you wondering what I like?"

               "Yeah. Do you have your eye on someone?" Her face turned a little pink in embarrassment, and I hope I wasn't about to hurt her.

               "I met someone during spring break who goes here. I'm not sure if things will work out with her, but I'm going to try. If things fall apart, then maybe I'll keep looking, but I guess I don't know yet," I tried to explain as carefully as I could.

               "That's kinda romantic. I hope it works out for you." She seemed happy, so that was a good sign. "How do I know if I should date a girl?"

               I thought about that for a while. "Don't think about it that way. Think about dating a person. Figure out what you like about a person, and find someone that meets those qualities regardless of gender. I had it easy, I knew I was into girls when I was twelve and saw a Victoria's Secret catalog. I wanted to lick those damned pages. I was a horny little bitch back then. But maybe you're looking for something else, and that is cool. It might take time, but we'll find you a person."

               "A person. I like that. I kept looking at the guys, even in improv, and nobody ever interested me. Maybe I can look all over."

               "Exactly, no limits. Live your life and be free. But if anyone hurts you, I'm kicking their ass."

               "You better! I have no idea how to pick anyone, so I'll be running them by you! You get to be my bodyguard!"

               "I'm down with that. I can be the scary big sis," I assured her. Seriously though, if anyone messed with Gee, then I really would find a damned hole and bury them up their neck before mowing the lawn. I already wanted to do that with the John asshole from Econ guy, but he'd never come back to class. Maybe he dropped it, or maybe he got arrested.

               "You're already the big sister!" Gee cackled. "Six damned feet tall!"

               "True. You know if I give you my jersey it'll look like a dress on you," I pointed out.

               "Even better! That will look so awesome!"

               "Fine, when I get a spare, it is all yours."

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