"You need to eat." He cut her off. "I'll go make you some food."

"Please don't go." The blonde whined, cuddling into him further. "You're so warm."

"I promise I'll be quick and back before you even know it." He whispered, slowly moving out from under her and making sure to cover her with the blankets. "Just close your eyes and try to sleep."

She mumbled something incoherent before the boy chuckled quietly and walked back out to the kitchen, digging around a little until he found some chicken noodle soup. He decided to wait to make it, letting her get a little more sleep before he'd have to wake her up to eat. Then a half hour later when he walked into her bedroom, she was sprawled out across the entire bed, snoring softly and a stuffed animal tucked under one of her arms. Ashton smiled to himself, standing in the doorway for a moment before making his way over to the bed and kissing her forehead.

She was burning up.

Worry washed over his face as he quickly pulled out his phone to look up how to treat a fever. Within a few minutes, he had a plan. Ashton pulled the blankets off the blonde, leaving the sheet in their place, he was quick to get water and a damp washcloth to press to her forehead.

Spencer slowly began to wake, shivering slightly as the cool feeling of the washcloth and absence of blankets. "Ash?" She whispered, causing him to look from his phone to the girl.

"Hey, hey. Sorry I came in here and you were burning up, and I was looking up ways to treat a fever and–" he started rambling until she laughed lightly, cutting him off.

"It's okay. I'll be fine, this happens every time I get sick." She whispered, pushing herself to sit up. "I'll just drink lots of water, take some Tylenol, eat a little, and sweat it out." She paused. "I'll probably have a fever today and wake up tomorrow feeling brand new."

"No no, this says you need to break the fever and cool down and wear light clothes and sleep with a sheet and stuff." He started explaining, shaking his head. "You need to get better, Spence. Not risk getting worse."

"I will, I will get better, I promise." She smiled weakly and cupped his cheek. "Thank you for worrying, but I swear I know how to deal with this."

The girl's phone began vibrating on the bedside table, Quinn's name lighting up the screen. Spencer felt her heart rate pick up a little as she reached over and grabbed her phone, bringing it to her ear once she answered. "Hey Quinn, what's up?" She had to hold back a cough that was making its way up her throat.

"Spencer, hi! Do you have a few minutes to talk?" The lawyer asked. "I have an update from your mothers lawyer."

"Oh uh– yeah." Spencer glanced at Ashton, taking a deep breath then looking at her lap. She was honestly terrified. "Yeah, I can talk."

"So, I got off the phone with your mom's lawyer this morning, and she wants to make a sort of deal." Quinn started, speaking slowly. "I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing from your point of view, so you let me know if you want to agree, okay?"

"Okay." The blonde wasn't quite sure how to answer. She was nervous to say the least. What if her mom had some outrageous idea in her head? What if she tried taking half the money or something?

"So, your mom is agreeing to transfer all the money to your bank account–" she paused, causing Spencer to suck in a nervous breath. "With the condition that you officially agree to never change your name back to Casey." There was another small pause. "And she'd like to officially disown you."

Instantly Spencer felt like whatever slice of family she had left was already gone, no matter how little her mom felt like family recently. She felt her heart drop into her stomach, but took a shaky breath to answer. "So I wouldn't be her daughter anymore?" The blonde whispered, her body going cold, even with the fever. "Like legally?"

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