Chapter 1

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August 2017

Spencer always thought lifelong friends meant that nothing could ever take it away. That even the biggest of life changing opportunities wouldn't be able to come between you or ruin anything. The possibility of not seeing them for months didn't stand a chance against their friendship, right?

But being so young and naïve you simply just don't understand how easy it is to lose people.

Even all the promises to remember each other and to talk everyday would eventually fade, leaving them all feeling a little empty at times. It would be a lie to say they all had that sliver of hope that they'd reconnect one day, that everything would go back to normal. But then they were adults who understood that things would never quite be the same as they were before.

Her old friends were off living their dream, while she was off... well... not being a part of that dream anymore. She wasn't the only one upset by it. Both the boys and Natalia had been weary of the situation themselves. The boys even wondered on more than one occasion if it was worth it if they didn't have 'their girls' by their sides.

At least she still had her best friend.

The two girls, inseparable since their fathers first started working together, were making their way into the Sydney Opera House. Having not ever seen the inside, only pictures and videos, they were surprised to say the least. It was gorgeous, more so than the pictures ever showed. Spencer didn't even have the opportunity to take it all in before Natalia was dragging her in the direction of their seats.

It was even crazier that they were there to see the band the girls had once been so close with, a completely sold out show. They were beyond proud, even if they assumed the boys didn't have a clue who they were anymore.

Spencer just shook her head, laughing as she was pulled along by her best friend. "I know they don't but part of me hopes that they still do our stupid little shenanigans before their little gigs they used to play." She paused. "Or that they remember us and talk about us."

"Don't think about that, just enjoy the concert." She rolled her eyes at the girl, stopping at their seats. As close as they could be, the smallest bit of standing room in front of them. Spencer wasn't sure how Natalia had ever gotten those tickets. "I know you're the mushy hopeful one between the two of us, but don't expect them to see us and there be this huge things where they call us up."

"I know... I know." The blonde nodded, looking at the ground.

Natalia nudged her. "Plus, it's not like they could ever actually forget about us. We were a huge part of their lives, the reason they even are a band in the first place."

It didn't take long for every seat to fill, the chatter amongst friends and fans coming from all around them. But when the lights dimmed and the crowd went wild, Spencer felt like her hearing went out. What was she going to do seeing the boys on stage right in front of her? When she heard their voices?


"Spence?" Natalia shook the girls shoulder lightly when the opening band exited the stage and everyone was getting loud again. Spencer enjoyed the opening band, at least what she remembered, but she was so nervous to see her old friends that she blacked out most of the openers set. "Spence, you good?"

"Yeah, just haven't been to a concert in a long time." She forced a laugh, it coming out weak and small. The two shared quiet conversation about the opening act, aiding in the distracting of Spencer for a bit.

But suddenly, the reason anyone was really there. "Sydney!" A voice boomed from off stage and the blonde's heart dropped into her stomach. She would swear it was doing flips. "Are you ready to fucking party?" The voice was far too familiar to not know who was speaking, and it only added to the nerves. The last time she heard the voice she was upset and angry, she wanted nothing to do with him. "I said... are you ready to fucking party?"

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