41 | Unresolved business

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After Alessio and I had some fun in the secret room of his office he showed me around the massive estate. It's a beautiful house. All polished wood and shining stone. It must've cost a fortune to build back in the day although considering what I know about Alessio that should come as now suprise. Then Dean found us when it was time for dinner which was perfect because it was the only hall, not room hall, that we hadn't seen yet.

I walked inbetween the two brothers and it was a interesting feeling. The hate from Dean and the care from Alessio. It was like feeling pain and pleasure at the same time. We walked down one of the corridors that was lined with portraits of what I guessed was old family members. The amount of wealth portrayed was both impressing and creepy because there's only one way to get that much money.

Dinner was more akward then usual considering the anger that was basically wafting of Aria at the seating placement. I sat on Alessio's left side and Dean at his right. Ice was next to me and Gabriella next to Dean. Alone at the end of the table was Aria and she didn't look happy at all.

I gulped and pretended to yawn again. I needed an excuse to get out of here and thankfully I got it when Alessio leaned over and whispered in my ear that I could go. It was like winning an oscar but better. I might lo-- like Alessio but I'm not so fond of his family if I'm honest.

I barely got halfway down the corridoor before someone called out my name and made me and the woman-servant stop in our tracks.

"Naitee! Wait!" I turned around and found Dean jogging down the corridoor. He called out something in Italian and the woman beside me walked away without a word. I should really learn that language. Dean slowed down when he got close and walked the rest of the way to me.

"What it is?" His face was weird, he almost looked constipated. Like he was regretting doing this.

"I-- I just wanted to apoligize for earlier." I stared at him in mild shock.

"Uh-- Thank you." I paused, considering my next words. "But it was understandable. I don't expect you to understand me and your brothers relationship fully. I mean I barely do and it's all really complicated..." I trail off before I say something I'll regret. Dean nods slowly and then a smile stretches his mouth.

"I do not think you fully understand how much you changed my brother Naitee. He was a dead man walking a year ago, I have not seen him this alive since we were kids." Dean looked away from me and I saw a new vulnerability on his face.

"Thank you." I say and my voice wavers just a tiny, tiny bit. "He changed me too, for the better you know." Dean turned back to me and I can see his adams apple bob.

"He is good in that way, but it is you that woke that good in him again. It died years ago." Dean presses his lips together and I put a hand on his shoulder. In this moment I am reminded that he is barely even an adult and he's just lost his dad. I use my hand on his shoulder to pull him into a hug and he's stiff for a second before relaxing into me. It feels good to hug someone even if it's not something I usually do and from the slight shake in Deans shoulders he really needed it too.

"Thank you." He mutters into my shoulder and I feel more at home than I have in years.


*a few minutes earlier*

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