42 | Epilogue - The aftermath

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We're at a fancy restuarant in Switzerland that Alessio has been begging me to come with him to for a week but I've been so swamped with the entry exams to med school here that it's practically been impossible to get a night off. It was Alessio's idea for me to try to get into a med school. My college grades were great and MSCN let me in without hesitation. It almost felt like it was a last gift from my parents, getting into to the school that I was supposed to get into all those years ago. 

The waiter leads us to a table with a beautiful view of the city in the night and it reminds me of that night in Italy all those months ago when everything was so complicated. The Spaglia Familia is currently being controlled by Alessio and Ice together since Alessio's here with me in Switzerland. 

Both my Italian and my German is getting better from using it on the daily now and I basically understand Alessio when he speaks in his mother tungue. Alessio pulls my chair put for me and I raise my eyebrows. He's a gentleman but usually not on this scale. 

"What's the occasion Rich boy ?" I ask and smile as he sits down in the other chair. His face is bright and beautiful and I can't help but wonder if it's because of the distance to the mafia. I mean it can't be good for his mental health. 

"Nothing I just wanted a dinner with my beautiful woman in a place deserving of her presence." I l chuckle. 

"That was a lot."  I say as the waiter hands me a black, leather menu. 

"Well I have barely even seen you the last couple weeks since I gave you my gift." By that he means the tattoo that goes all the way from my ass up to my shoulder blades. It still aches just a little sometimes but I love it. It's two wings, as though from an angel and then a trail of feathers all the way down to my butt. The craftsmanship is amazing and if I could I would stare at it all day. 

"I'm sorry. It is just that this is-- you are my dream and I've gotten so caught up in it." Alessio smiles without a hint of resentment and it just reminds me of why I fell in love with him in the first place. 

"Do not ever apologize for wanting your dream mia vita, I would give anything to give it to you." He grins and showes off every single one of his shiny white teeth. A flutter awakes in my stomach as if it was my first time seing him again. 

"You're perfect." I say and lean over the table so I can kiss his perfect lips. He tastes of mint and cigarettes and I give him a glare when I pull back. 

"I thought you said that you would stop smoking." I ask and he licks his lips. 

"I cannot control all of my urges Piccolina." He throws back with a devilish grin and I laugh at the strain on his face. I haven't let him fuck me in a few days and he looks almost pained. 

"We'll have to take care of that tonight then Rich boy." I give him a wink before looking down at the menu again. 

Him clearing his throat again makes me look up to find him in a different place. On a knee. Beside me. With a ring in his hand. It's golden with a diamond in the middle and a ring of red stones around it. 

That was six months ago now. That he proposed I mean. It took us four months to actually get married and it was a small, private thing. Just like I wanted. Dean was the one who walked me down the aisle and it was beautiful. During those months he had become a brother to me. I had tried to talk too Aria during that time but she had ignored me in favor of a bottle of alcohol. 

My mind went back to all of that when I stare at the picture of me and Alessio, fiddeling with the ring on my left hand. In the picture we're standing side by side by the altar. My beautiful white dress was made by some designer called Vivienne Westwood and I loved it more than almost everything. It was shoulderless and made with silk and trimmed with white, handmade, italian lace and Alessio was in a dark suit that made him look like a god come to earth. 

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