35 | Parasite

154 6 0


I wake with a start.

Someone is standing in the door way.

"Omg what the hell is--?!" Ross steps forward and in his hands is a tray with food.

"Good morning baby." I sit up slowly and rest my back against the wall while Ross just stands there. He walks forward and places the tray down on the bedside table.

"Goodmorning-- dad." He smiles at me and puts his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

"Well I thought I bring you breakfast." I nod and sweep my hair away from my face.

"Thanks, it looks great!" I pick up the tray and put it in my lap. It's scrambled eggs and a dry toast. Both foods I hate, the 'normal' Ross would know that and that just shows how deep into his delusion he is.

I lift the fork with the eggs to my lips after he just stood there and watched me for a minute and force myself to chew on it without grimacing. I swallow and smile.

"It tastes great!" I say while nodding, hoping that he will leave so I can dump this shit somewhere. Even food I like was hard choking down knowing that he killed my parents but this is just over the line. But he doesn't leave, he stands there watching until I've eaten every single thing on the tray.

He takes the tray from my lap and his hands linger just a second to long on my thighs. I resist the urge to shudder from his too cold hands.

"Come on out, I have to leave for work but I will be back this afternoon. Feel free to do what you want during the day." He says and it almost sounds sincere.

"Fun. Hows work going anyway?" What I really mean by that is; 'does the FBI know about your special hobbies ?'

"Great. I'm doing some work off to the side but it pays well." He gives me a knowing smile that I can't decipher and walks into the kitchen. I can hear him putting the dishes in the sink. He walks out again and looks at me expectantly.

"Come on, give your old man a hug!" I force myself to take two steps forward and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back, tightly and the smell of him chokes me like a grip. He presses my chest into him and the way my breasts press against him feels-- wrong. He finally lets me go and pulls back.

"I'll see you later!" He smiles before turning and grabbing his coat. No gun so I'm assuming that he keeps them elsewhere.

"Bye!" I call before he closes the door and I hear a lock clicking shut.

I wait ten seconds and then I scream. As hard as I can. Scream until my throat hurts because once again I am trapped but with a much, much worse monster. My knees hit the floor and I let myself be the real Naitee Joshi. I hit the wooden floor until my knuckles are red with blood and irritation but I stop myself before they actually break. That would be to suspicious.

When I finally pull myself back together and myself of the floor I force myself to walk to the kitchen. It's clean and the only things in the sink is the remains of my breakfast. I try every, single, drawer but not one opens. They're all locked and I realise just how much planning Ross probably put into this place. After trying every single drawer once again I move on to the next room, and the next. Most of them are locked, almost every single one. In the end I realise there's only one room I haven't tried. The room I just assumed would be a cleaning scrub.

I try the door slowly and to my suprise it opens. Some weird smell is coming from the room and I cover my mouth with my hand.

The door opens slowly to reveal a small dark room and I reach in to flick on the light. It flickers on and I thin my eyes out to take it in. There's a weirdly big wooden chest and a bench littered with photos. As soon as I step in I know that what I'm going to find is going to be bad. Really bad.

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