32 | Memories

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A/N: It feels weird that this story is starting to come to an end, I mean not really but it's like ten chapters left. At most. It's crazy and I'm starting to feel weird about mentioning it in every chapter but it feels like I'm starting to end something that has barely even started. Yeah that was fun anyway new chapter...


Once again I'm on a plane, watching the world outside of the window. 

"I was afriad that I would find you dead or missing all fingers you know?" Ross says and I look up at him. We're sitting in opposite seats and I meet his grey gaze. 

"Yeah well, I held up pretty well. Only Alessio actually knew why I was there so the others were nice enough." Ross's eyebrows rise a millimeter. 

"I noticed, well we should debrief when we get back. I'm sure you have some information." I nodd slowly and try to meet Ross's gaze for more than a few seconds but the shame stops me and I look out the window again. 

"How did you find me so quickly?" I end up asking after the silence have been dragging on for too long. 

"That's of no matter, I had some bridges that needed to be burned anyway." I feel a hint of suprise but it's like every emotion I feel is tamped down to only a little hint. It's weird like I'm actually regretting leaving Alessio but that would be crazy. On a new level. 

"Okay well what's going to happen when we land? I'm pretty sure Alessio is going to come looking for me again and I need to be safer than last time." Ross almost looks a little hurt but then it's quickly covered by anger.

"I'll make sure of it." He says and I retrack quickly, "I didn't mean it like that Ross." I say and he just nods solemly. 

"I know, it's just that I was afriad that I'd lost you. I was terrified." I reach out for his hand and grab it lightly. 

"I wouldn't be your fault in any case." I say but his expression stays the same. He holds my hand tightly and I almost find it weird. Usually Ross never responds to any physical or mental affection. 

"Remember your first day of college?" Ross asks and the question is so out of the blue that I just stare at him for a second. 

"Yeah, I was eighteen and my parents were helping me move into my first dorm at Stanford. Why?" Ross shakes his head lightly and I could almost swear that I saw a smile on his face. 

"No matter I just remember moving my daughter into her dorm, she went to Stanford also you know?" That is the second fact I've ever heard about Ross's daughter in the five yeard I've known him. The first fact was that she died a few years ago. 

"Really? When was she there?" I ask trying to sound as light as possible to avoid him clamming up about the subject. 

"She dropped out after two years, got a little to into drugs and you know what happened after that." Ross grips my hand harder and his grey eyes are sad. It's like he's a different person from almost a year ago. Something changed him and I don't know what new me thinks of new Ross. He's not the bitter but gentle old man who trained me in the FBI academy and then picked me out of the class to be specially trained into a undercover agent. It's like the light he sees me in has changed. 

"You know you can talk to me about that, right Ross?" He nods and looks away. I wonder if I said something wrong but Ross is already getting out of his seat. I watch him walk to the cockpit and realise something. I now know five things about Ross, his last name, that he grew up in New York, that his daughter went to Stanford and that his daughter is dead. A very healthy relationship overall. 

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