16 | Happy halloween

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"Come on, you have to come to this party Lucy!" Jake almost whines and I just shake my head. 

"Sorry, partys just not my thing." I say shrugging my shoulders and it's suprisingly hard to do when you're running. 

"Lucyyyy, it'll just be me and my friends. No big thing." He turns around to jog backwards before me. He's smiling, his cheeks pink and his eyes bright. 

"What will we even do?" He sees the crack in my armor immediatly and jumps on it. 

"Drink, laugh, dance. Play some games..." He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I can't help the laugh that slips out. 

"Fine, fine. I'll come." I relent and he looks chocked. 

"You want to play games Lucy?" I just laugh again and swat him on his shoulder. "You wish Jake." He nods with a weird look on his face and he admits jokingly, "Definitly." I just shake my head, Jake is the easiest person I've ever met. He's all about making you comfortable and not making anything hard. He's basically the opposite of Alessio. Why am I comparing Jake to a criminal? Jake is a great guy and I should not be even thinking of Alessio. 

"So when and where is the party." I say to change the way my mind is going. Jake turns back around so we're running side by side again. 

He look so proud as he says, "Friday, the 31st at eight, I'll pick you up." 

"That sound great!" I agree and Jake spends the rest of the morning talking about how great the party is going to be. I don't even want to go back home when we're done in the park. For the last two days I've felt so extremely uncomfortable. It's like someone keeps going in there and movnig stuff around. I'd actually believe that idea if I hadn't had the alarm. Even Ross said that it would be safe and he was never wrong. 

The days to friday pass in good mornings and uncomfortable days. I almost invite Jake to stay with me, I can see in his eyes that he wants to spend more time with me but I don't. It's to risky, he could still be a spy for Alessio and I don't want to take that chance. I don't have anything fancy to wear or a Halloween costume so instead I just take my jeans and a black longsleeve turtle neck. With any luck I'll luck like someone and won't seem to boring. I even put on some makeup. Tonight I'm breaking every rule of being in hiding and I don't even feel to bad about that. Alessio is going to get me eventually, I'm sure of that. So I might aswell have some fun. 

Jake parks outside my house with his volvo and I look down at myself one last time. I'm not wearing a gun, just knives tonight. Bringing a gun to a party feels like a bad mistake. Jake knocks on the door and I'm chocked at his apperance. He's wearing a-- wolf costume? 

"Ohmygod Jake, what are you wearing?" He laughs and takes a few steps back allowing me to leave my house. The seats in his car are leather and comfortable and I sink down. 

"Come on wolfie, let's go to a party!" Jake makes a growling sound that makes me cringe as he pulls away from the curb. He seems to see my face and he asks, "What?" With a smile.

"Don't ever make that sound again." I make a sound as if I'm throwing up and he laughs. 

"What? Don't think my growling is sexy?" I shake my head in disgust. 

"Focus on the road Jake."


She's leaving in a car. With another man. I'm following them before I even have a chance to think of the consequences. The silver volvo dissapears down the street, my only lead is that I heard them talking about a party on her porch yesterday. I jump into the Mercedes I parked in the garage, or rather what's left of the garage. I revv the engine as I reverse right out on to the street. I slam on the accelerator and the car lunges forward, I find the Volvo soon enough. It's cruising down the road and I stay at a safe distance. I tap the steering wheel, contemplating just turning around right now. If she sees me everything will be over and just as I'm about to make a U turn an idea hits me. 

It's halloween. Which means that I can dress up and not be to obvious to onlookers. 

I follow the Volvo to house thats practically lighting up the entire street. Lights and music are pumping out like it's blood from a wound and I realise just how perfectly this night fits into my plans. 

I drive by the house and turn around a plan already shaped up in my mind. It only takes me 20 minutes to find a shop with a fitting costume. I drive back to the house, change and get ready to scare my favourite fed. No one is watching the front door and I simply walk in. There is practically four other people with similar costumes to mine so I fit right in. The entire livingroom is filled with people jumping and dancing. The music hurts my ears but I've only got one goal. 

Find her. 

And I do. She is standing in the kithen next to her boy toy and they are playing the 'beer pong game'. I walk right by her and she stiffens just a little bit. It's like she feels my presence. I pick up one of the still unopened drinks and sip it as I watch her play. She looks around a few times before she goes back to playing.  I watch her boy toy for a second, the way he's looking at her is obvious. He's in love and I wonder what he would think if he knew the real Naitee. 

Maybe when I finally fuck her, I'll make him watch. I smile to myself. That would be perfect. 

Naitee laughs loudly and her boy toy picks up one of her blonde strips of hair and twist it around. "Come on Jake, throw the ball in the cup. Not outside." Her boytoy, Jake, smiles down at her before throwing one of the ping pong balls. It misses with like half a metre and Naitee laughs again. 

"You're so bad at this." She groans and picks up a ball and throws it. It lands right in the cup in the middle and the two guys on the other side of the table both cuss and drink. I really don't understand this game. 

They throw back and forth for a while and then the guys on the other start celebrating so I assume Naitee and Jack lost. 

"Come on, let's go dance!" Jace screams over the loud music and Naitee nods. 


I follow them after a few minutes and they're already dancing. She has her hands over her head and I can't tear my gaze away. She almost looks peaceful in the middle of all that chaos. 

I finally get my chance when Jason leaves to do something. I start weaving through the mass of people and when I finally reach her she has her back turned to me. I let my arms sneak around her and she leans back into me. 

"Jake, what are you--?" She tries to turn around to look at me but I don't let her. 

"Jake? Haven't you missed me Caramella?" She goes rigid in my arms. 

A/N: Hehehhe I have some plans for them ;) 1300 words!! Happy first of advent.

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