24 | Piece of cake

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Alessio and Aria are yelling in Italian and I don't understand a single word. 

It all started this morning when Aria proposed that she and I were going to take one of the private jets to Milano to shop but when she went to clear it with Alessio all hell broke loose. I'm getting a sense that Alessio doesn't appreaciate us hanging out very much. 

Suddenly the door swings open and Alessio is standing in the door opening a terrifying smile on his face. 

"Goodmorning Naitee, we leave for Milano in twenty minutes." He walks past me and I could swear that his hand swept over my ass as he walked by. Just light enough that I felt it and Aria couldn't see it. 

"Everything alright?" I ask as she steps out of his office. The very same office from yesterday. I stare at the desk for a second before looking back to a disgruntled looking Aria. 

"Yes I am fine it is just that my husband is impossible." I feel a sting of anger at her calling him her husband after what she did but I push it down. I'm just as bad as she is. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Is he really coming with us?" Aria nods slowly and looks at me. 

"Yes but that will be fine, he always left early when we went shopping and I am sure he will do the same now." I sure hope so, I don't want to spend more time with Alessio than I have to. It's like I can feel him corrupting my soul by just being near me. 

"Okay then, I'm going to go change. I feel like I'm not fit for Milano in this." I have never really been into clothes but being in Italy makes me want to dress like Aria does. Flawlessy elegant and modern. 

"Oh please Naitee you would look beautiful in anything." I feel my cheeks heat at her words. I'm not used to being complimented in such a blatant way. Like it's a fact and not compliment. 

"I-- Thank you." For the first time since I came her yesterday I actually find my way back to my room without any help and I go directly for the closet. I pick up one of the white tie dresses that nicely compliments my brown skin and I miss the gold jewellery that I used to wear as a kid. It would've looked so good with this. My hair is slightly greasy and messy but I don't have the energy to shower so I just brush it back into a ponytail with one of the brushes in the massive, luxurious bathroom.  I slip my feet into the low white pumps and take one of the thin jackets. It's november but it's still warm in Italy apparently. 

I try to make my way down to the front entrance but I get lost again, I sigh loudly, stop and spin in place. How can a house be so beautiful and a maze at the same time. This house doesn't even need guards, it's a trap itself.

"Hello!? Anybody there?!" I scream tentitively. It's so embarassing that I stop after doing it twice though and just wait instead. 

"Omg this is just ridicoulous." I mumble to myself an wander down the corridoor I'm standing in. Occasionally there are doors or large expensive windows but none of them help me locate the entrance. They all just have the same view, vast grass and gardens with a solid grey stripe at the end. 

I wander for what feels like hours but I have no idea what time it is since I don't have a phone. In the end the corridoor comes to an end with a wide door. I hesitate for a second before grabbing the handle and pulling the door open. 

I still at the sight. It's a room that's filled with pictures of me. Random security footage and proffessional photos alike. The room is small, almost like it was a broom closet before it became stalker central. From what I can see the photos go back to a few months before I met Alessio. He must've had someone hack the FBI security feed. That's crazy. Like actual crazy. The professional photos are of me in Alaska before Alessio found me, atleast from the dates at the bottom right corner of the picture. I stagger back out of the room and close the door carefully as if it would erase what I just saw. There's a weird feeling in my stomach and I don't know what to think of it. I walk back down the corridor and finally meet someone. Gabriella. She looks up from her smartphone and stares at me. 

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