34 | Invader

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A/N: I think I now actually have to figure out how I want this story to end and that's starting to weird me out... Besides these coming chapters are going to be intense and Alessio POV sounds so boring right now (I know that I'm the author and I'm supposed to make it interesting but Naitee is just so...)


The bank had nothingh helpful to say about Ross not even when I offered to safe them from the finacial problems they are starting to have. The last information I have about Ross is that he hired a private plane that has now landed in Virginia. But according to the security feed there was no one else than the crew on the plane so that means that there was an unrecored stop somewhere along the way.

I pace around the floor of the penhouse of my hotel in New York.

If only I could find a list of all the fuel filling stops on the east coast and then track the outlet over the last few months but no one is answering my calls with anything useful. The file about the murder of Naitee's parents came an hour ago and it looked just like I expected. Suspiciously little information about a double homicide and the case went cold in no time at all. Everything was superwised by SSA Ross and even though he helped the killer was never found. The case was ruled a home invasion but even I could see that that was not the case.

I pour myself a glass of liquer from the bar and down it in one gulp. It burns but I savor it. Anything is better than feeling right now. I have to find a way to track the selling of oil, fuel or methane. Whatever. The idea hits me after my third glass and I pick up my phone.

"Hi Dean. I am going to need you to buy the biggest oil corporation in America." Dean is quiet for a few seconds.

"Brother have you gone insane?" I scoff.

"No. With fathers assets we could buy America. Buy it now and tell them I want the records of any sold or transported fuel before the end of the day."

"Brother--" Deans starts but I end the call. I will talk with him when I get back to Italia.

I make my way to the bed but after hours of not being able to sleep I resort to staring at my phone willing it to ring with news from Dean. It does not and in the end I simply put it in the mini freezer.

It does not help.

My body is restless in a way it has not been since I was a teenager and I do not know how to handle it. After pacing until it is late into the night I finally give up on any kind of rest and make my way down to the gym. Since the clock is three in the morning no one else is up and I have the entire modern gym to myself. The punching bag becomes my greatest enemy and I attack it relentlessly until my knuckles are split open and bleeding.

Somehow I do not even feel the pain. Like that part of my brain has shut itself off.

I make myself sweat for two hours before I make my way up to the pent house again. I force myself to shower before I look at my phone. 3 missed calls from Dean.

I call immediatly, he picks up on the first ring.

"Finally Brother!! You harass me for answers and then do not even pick up?? I--" I bite my lip.

"So do you have any answers?" I interrupt him.

"Yes. They are willing to sell stock and records of sales for the last few months but--" I interrupt him again because that is all I wanted to hear.

"I will take it." Deans sighs over the line.

"I was afriad that you would say that... Are you okay Sio, this is not like you? " I do not answer for a second before replying.

DOMESTIC || 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt