And we did. The sororities too, and there were already flyers up for people wanting to rush the different houses as well as parties to kick off the semester. Gee was thrilled, and I suddenly had a full calendar of parties that Gee was planning on taking me to. No, I wasn't looking forward to it, but Gee seemed like a partier, and I became the designated carrier, in that I was going to sling her over my shoulder and carry her back to the dorm.

               But that was okay, I had no doubt that she'd be repaying me in other ways. No! Not like that, she'd already made it very clear she liked guys, and I wasn't going to go chasing a straight girl. Besides, unless Tegan shut me down, I still had my hopes.

               Gee was a psychology major, and we had both an English and math class together, so that was good. I also had an art class, and a Spanish class that would be a piece of cake since I was pretty fluent already from three years of it in High School and lots of practice from people speaking it back home. My last class was Biology, and I was already dreading the dissection part that the professor would be coming before Thanksgiving. Yeah, that would put me in the mood to eat. I was only planning on taking three classes in the Spring semester, because our basketball schedule would be busier, and then make up for the missed classes over the summer. Hell, I didn't even have a major yet at college because I had no idea what I wanted to do, so this was a good set up until I figured it out.

               But the classes were a good way to ease into things before basketball started. The first games were in November, but practices would start in September so me and the rest of the incoming freshmen could get integrated into the team and learn all the plays and stuff. I knew there was a meeting set up for the beginning of September to get everyone introduced and to go over the schedule and expectations. I was looking forward to that because it was my first chance to see Tegan.

               Oh, sure, I might see her around campus but that would be completely random. She was a Junior now, and would be in more advanced classes, so it wasn't like I'd ever see her unless I got lucky. But while we were in that meeting I'd see her for sure. I couldn't wait!

               But in the meantime, Gee kept me busy. Weeknights we had homework or whatever projects we needed to work on. Weekends were the parties that I went with her to, though I mostly just hung out and met people while keeping an eye on Gee. She seemed to think she was a hard drinking tough girl, but she was slurring after three drinks. I was a little worried that she'd try to do too much, or if she was trying to portray some image that she thought would help.

               But she was also a great friend. When she wasn't wasted at the parties, she had a way of keeping homework nights loose, so that we didn't stress out about deadlines and the pressure of too much to do. High school hadn't been easy for me. I needed tutors several times for math and science, to get my grades up enough to stay on the team. There were always minimum GPAs to stay active, and while I never dropped that low, I came close in my junior year. So, getting a good start to my year, and keeping up my grades, was something I really wanted to do. If I needed to get tutoring, I'd do it, but I was worried about finding the time in my schedule for that.

               In the midst of everything else, I still needed to find time to work out. Most of that was jogging, because I would do a lot of running on the court. So, every other day I was up at six to run a couple miles. I didn't want to wear myself out, but it was something I was used to doing anyway, so it was okay.

               "Are we seriously going to another party tonight?" I just groaned when Gee mentioned it on Saturday afternoon.

               "Yes! I promise, this is the last one!" It really made me wonder if her parents never let her have any freedom when she was home. Not that she was drunk every night or anything, but we'd just been to one on Friday and now another tonight. It wouldn't be long before I'd need my weekend evenings back, and I didn't want to make this a habit. Gee had some other people she could go with, but I didn't want to risk them getting her home safe instead of me.

               "That is exactly what you said last night!"

               "Well, I meant it was the last weekend. After this one, we'll be good little freshmen!"

               "This isn't even a frat house!" I exclaimed when I put the address into the GPS. "That's a decent drive!"

               "No, it's just a bunch of guys that rented a house together and partied a lot," she explained. "It should be a good time, since it's near a lot of other rentals and all the neighbors will already be there instead of calling the cops."

               I was already dreading that. Part of me wished the cops would get called so I could come back to my bed, I was already tired! "Fine. But we're out of there at midnight. I can't keep doing this, and I'm not leaving you there."

               She pouted at me, and suddenly looked like five years younger. "Okay, okay. Seriously, last time. We can do stuff here on the weekends instead." That was as good as I'd get at this point. If I could get some time back, I could start the extra studying now!

               With the plan settled, I loaded Gee into my car, and we set off through the twisting roads of Raleigh until we found the house that the party was at. The music was pumping before the house was even in view, and I already knew I was going to hate this night. I parked down the street, making sure that I wasn't blocked in and then we walked into the party. Well, I walked, Gee was skipping like a kid heading into a toy store.

Just kill me now.

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