(66) Anniversary dinner- 2

Depuis le début

People who can entertain themselves in a crowd impress me. Though I imagine it's easy for kids. They don't necessarily need to indulge in conversations at social gatherings.

Besides what would they talk about with elder ones? Ironman?

"You know I asked Owen and Grace if they've finally decided when they're getting married", James spoke, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Oh yeah? I was gonna bring that up during dinner but no problem. What did they say?", Chase asked excitedly.

James frowned. "Not anytime soon."

My brothers groaned in annoyance making me chuckle as I perched myself on the counter and happily ate some chocolate while Dad is still too busy not paying attention to my unhealthy food habits.

"How long is not anytime soon? Did you ask?", Brody frowned.

"Is the earth round?", James scoffed, in a 'duh' voice. "Of course I did. They said it's definitely indefinite when."

"Oh man", Troy whines. "I was ready to buy a new tux."

I laughed silently looking at their disappointed reactions. Grace already told me Owen and her are not planning to dive into the wedding pool until they are ready. Work is demanding for both of them at the moment so they think fitting their marriage in between it all will be a little difficult.

"Guys didn't Owen say they don't mind waiting. There's no need to rush it all up and arrange for a wedding in a hurry since they both are super busy right now", I shrugged. "It's a miracle they managed to insert a vacation to los angeles for Dad and Papa's anniversary."

"They won't be planning it all alone Leah. We can help right? I mean what's the point of having so many half brothers and cousins if they're of no use", Chase pointed out, while raiding the fridge for a beer.

"Exactly! Even Dad will be delighted hearing we're of some use! He always complains about us sitting on our asses all day", Brody pouted eyeing the chocolate bar in my hand.

"Uncle Seb always complains about you sitting on your ass all day", Troy corrected him before walking towards me and perching up on the counter next to me, clearly hoping I'll give him some chocolate before Brody attacks.

"Potato tomato", Brody rolled his eyes, waving it off.

"That's not the phrase. Seriously how did you graduate?", Chase frowned peeking up from above the door of the fridge.

Brody flipped him off while Troy and I laugh not reminding everyone how much we two had to extensively tutor Brody before final exams so that he can pass. One thing Brody despises more than healthy food is highschool education.

"We're deflecting from the actual topic people!", James reminded us.

Troy sighed scooting closer to me. "Jamie it's not like Grace is pregnant. If that were the case then I'm sure we could use it to preponed the wedding occasion."

I was filled with disbelief. Even if that were the case I know one thing for sure, no one can convince my sister to get married if she isn't fully prepared. That woman has a lot of plans for her perfect wedding which sometimes works as a vivid reminder to me that I'm obviously not biologically related to her because she's purely channelling Monica and Rachel even when we vaguely discuss the marriage.

Now I've learnt to avoid that topic because otherwise I will lose my precious mind. Dad loves that topic though. It was almost terrifying for me to once catch a phone call conversation between him and his newly engaged daughter about the flower arrangements. (which I didn't even know were a thing)

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