Vahalia's Misfortune

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"Not now, we have important business here!" Grunts my father over his shoulder.
"Prince Malyke sent me. It's urgent. I apologize," the man's voice falters, he is clearly exhausted.
Sayra and I exchange glances, and she goes to unlock the door. I stand to greet him.
He bows low. "My deepest apologies, but I was ordered on pain of death to deliver this to you this night. It's from the first prince Malyke."
I snatch the letter from his hand and open it. My face turns white.
"What is it? Ro?" Sayra takes the letter and reads it aloud.
"'My dear sister Lorora, I apologize for the inconvenience that this letter might cause you, but you are the only person I can turn to. Concubine Vahalia has been caught having an affair with a gardener. Her execution is on September 24th. You are the only person with the power to stop it. Ulishi refuses to help and has grounded me from seeing Twila, Vahalia, or anyone who isn't her people. Sending this letter is all I could do, and that is thanks to Kyri. I'm begging you, please save Vahalia. You have the king's ear, the only person he might listen to is you and spare her. She is Twila's mother and in many ways Javelle, Kyri, and mine as well. This is the only thing I will ever ask of you again, please save Vahalia.'"
Sayra stares at the page, her lips turning white.
"We leave within the hour. Father, please bid the guests goodbye for me. I will call for Yalise to prepare for our journey immediately.We have 2 days to get back to Adran in time to stop the execution."
"How will we make it? It took us over 3 days to get here, and we were already in haste," says Sayra.
"Father, can I use your three fastest horses?" I turn to him. He nods, his brows furrowed.
"We will be on horseback," I reply simply.
"My daughter, will you be returning after this matter is dealt with?" He asks softly.
"We will enact our plan to divorce the king together. If we are successful, this will incite Ulishi more to set such a divorce in motion," I reply. I embrace him. "I love you, Father, take good care of the others and let them into your study more and teach them how to do their paperwork."
He sighs. "You leave me again."
I smile. "I have to save a friend, just like you taught me to do."
He smiles. "That's my daughter. The whole world should know what a wonderful woman you've become."
I smile. "Don't tell them, okay?"
He chuckles. "Okay, I will send my best guard with you. Send messengers with news as soon as you can."
"Yes Father," I say, take Sayra's hand, and we disappear out into the hallway. The messenger follows us, bewildered as to what he is to do now.

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