Sayra's 1st attempt

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When I get back to my house, with Rundale still closely following behind me, I notice the front door is open. Yalise went out for a couple hours to the city and inquire of local shops who buy expensive jewelry. She always locks the front door when she's out but leaves the back open. Could she have made a mistake?
I walk in and my frown deepens instantly. Yalise is being held down at the front door, by two burly guards and Sayra is standing in front of her with her arms crossed.
"Oh Lorora! You came just in time! I noticed your maid acting suspicious when I was walking by to drop off a gift and then I found these," Sayra motions for her maid to approach and opens a box which belongs to Yalise full of the jewels I put in the sell pile. The most expensive and gaudy ones. "They were in her room. Oh my dear, I'm so sorry. You just can't trust the servants these days. I'll help you find a better maid."
Yalise's face is red. Her burly build looks silly being held back by these dull faced guards. She glares so hard at Sayra she could bore holes in her brain.
"Oh Lorora! I'm so sorry!" Exclaims Rundale. "And you really has no shame! How dare you glare at Sayra like that!" She says to Yalise
"Rundale, you should go home. This is not pleasant business,"  say, trying to contain the tremors in my tone. I am shaking with anger. How dare this despicable girl try to mess with Yalise. My Yalise!
Rundale lowers her head and nods. After the door closes I turn to Sayra.
"I would appreciate if you stayed out of my business," I raise my chin and look down on her like the scum that she is.
"P...pardon?" She stutters. "I'm just trying to help you. Your maid is stealing from you, who knows for how long. I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth! Ask Syrianna, she was with me!"
"Yalise could not have stolen those from me, since I gave them to her!" I say, my face hot with rage. "Release my maid at once!"
The guards step back quickly and let go of Yalise. She steps over to me and puts her arm in front of me as if to protect me.
Sayra bites her lip and digs her nail into her palm. She blinks and quickly changes expression. "Oh, that's such a relief."
"Leave my home now! All of you!" I snap. This woman is despicable. I feel nauseated just looking at her.
"I'm... I'm just trying to help," tears well up in her eyes and I want to slap her.
"I did not grant any of you permission into my home yet you broke in and touched priceless things inside it. Your audacity is beyond belief. Leave at once before I inform my father of this incident!"
The guards and Sayra's maid leave at once, their heads down, hoping I won't recognize them again if I see them. Sayra droops her head down pathetically and hiccups as if she was crying too hard.
"I...I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to upset you... i didn't know..." she whimpers as she walks past me.
"Don't overexert yourself, my dear," I say softly as she passes. "Your pathetic little act is nauseating. I can't bear to watch without throwing up in my mouth."
Her eyes flash at me.
"Touch my maid again and you will pay dearly. You're just a pretty faced commoner, I'm a princess. Know your place," I say seething through my teeth. I have never been angrier at someone in my life. "Stay out of my sight from now on."
The door slams behind her. I smirk a little. It wasn't hard to notice what gets under her skin.

"Was it really a good idea to anger her? She has the entire harem under her thumb," says Yalise.
I frown. "Just because I don't like to play their stupid games doesn't mean I don't know how. She wasted no time to mess with what's precious to me so I have no qualms striking back."
"How will you explain giving me all that jewelry," Asks Yalise leading me to the sofa and sitting me down beside her, holding my hand gently as she always did.
I grin. "I already have a plan for that."

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