Catching the Eye of the King

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"You called for me, your majesty," i curtsy low and look down. I did not expect this to happen. My husband hasnt called me since the wedding.
"Ah, yes!" He exclaims. He looks up from a long desk covered in papers just like my father's was back at home. The carpet is thick and warm to step on and the smell of new paper and old wood are competing for dominance in this room. Windows open up behind him and sunlight streams in over the stacks of maps and documents.
I feel suddenly self-conscious. My dress is thin, a soft purple and my hair, loosely done up. I had assumed the king had called me for the duties of a concubine so Yalise dressed me for such. But I was escorted to his study. I hope he doesn't have peculiar tastes like wanting to have sex on top of important work documents. That would be a waste of paper and not to mention gross!
"I heard you and Sayra were harassed by some guards in Umbeg," he says. "Have no fear we have tracked the perpetrators down and put them to death. However, in the process we discovered that the guards were working with theives to rob and harass visitors."
I nod pretending to be surprised. "Thank you for taking such good care of us, my king."
He pauses, scrunches his nose for a moment and wipes it. "Anyways, I thought to ask your advice on the matter on how to best deal with Umbeg."
He motions for me to approach. "This is a basic draw up of the town and it's direct surroundings. Would you come and take a look."
I used to do this with my father all the time growing up. My heart pounds a little bit with excitement. I approach the map. "The guards' quarters should be demolished. Umbeg would do well to recruit their policing forces locally instead of sending the dregs of the city guards to a small town."
"What should the quarters be replaced with?"
"Two Inns, a few stables, and a trading center," I reply quickly. "Umbeg is perfectly situated to accommodate visitors who don't want to spend the night in the capital city. However, it is not conducive for carriage or horse travel. The horse shit stinks up the town and takes away from its beauty and charm. It is small with a lovely market and shops if the law inforcement did their jobs properly," I go on, explaining the best industry for the town, how to manage poverty, crime, and increase capital. He stands there, listening to me blabber on. I feel like I'm back at home, brainstorming with my father again.
"It's interesting you say this. Ulishi always told me not to bother much with that town since it was a lost cause despite its nearness to the capital. But I quite like your take on it," he says.
I stop. "Ulishi grew up in this country, she would know better than I," I say softly.
"How would you like it if I put you in charge of this project? Fix up Umbeg. I'd like to see how you manage it!" He smiles, ear to ear.
My heart pounds. I walked right into this. He wants to see my competence in comparison to his wife. In other words, he wants to pit me against his wife. I step back from the map, heat rushing to my face.
"I'm afraid I am not experienced enough to take on such a project. I would need many more years of learning before I could revitalize an entire town," I lower my head. I'm lying, I've revitalized over 20 towns back in Aryalia but he doesn't need to know that.
"That's strange, from what I heard, you were most favored by your father. He often allowed you in his study to observe his work," says the king, his fingers tapping on the dark wood table.
"Observing is different from implementing, your majesty," I reply. "Your informants might have known I was close to my father but my abilities were a far cry from his." That is also a lie, there were several things I was better than him at but he doesn't need to know that either.
Garnam chuckles. "If you insist. You may go now, I will consider your advice on Umbeg."
I curtsy low and rush out. What an idiot I was? How could I be so dumb and almost get tangled up in power struggles? I came here to get away from that stuff. Who gave the king such an idea to pit me against Ulishi? I frown. Perhaps I should give Sayra a little visit.

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