Sayra's Games

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"So I heard my children were doing servants' work, decorating cookies with Porchelle and Vahalia's children!" Says Ulishi curtly.
I'm in the bedchamber with the king and queen, sitting on the edge of the couch uncomfortably.
"You also failed to embaress Porchelle's boy," says Ulishi. Her lips pointed in a deep frown.
"Keep your hands off my children, Ulishi! Humiliate their mothers all you want but those are my children," says Garnam.
She frowns even deeper. "In any case, I heard reports they were behaving in an unseemly way with each other and now even my Malyke is getting caught up in it all!" She snaps.
"Sparring and decorating cookies?" I say.
Garnam chuckles. Ulishi glares at him.
"My son won't stop talking about Loreera this Loreera that!"
"It's Lorora," corrects the king.
"Whatever. You're losing your touch, Sayra. Even my children are idolizing this foolish fish princess."
"I thought you told me to treat her with more caution and respect," I retort. Ulishi is getting on my nerves particularly today. I realize how much I hate this room too with the stupid red draperies and strong scents itching my nose.
"You dare talk back to me!" She snaps.
"Now now, calm down both of you," says the king. "Ulishi, you are clearly underestimating this clever princess!"
Ulishi's eyes flash she opens her mouth but closes it.
"I'm also not impressed by how you have been behaving towards my other children. So what, they're all getting along? They're children! Good for them. Malyke was named the crown prince because he is best suited for the role. Harlym is not," he speaks carelessly. "You are overstepping your boundaries and frankly, I'm grateful for Lorora that she kept you in check."
Ulishi clenches her fists into her palms. "You don't see how Porchelle looks at me! All the concubines want me to fail and Harlym to become crown prince! You don't understand how they are."
I roll my eyes inwardly. Ulishi's so called 'slights' are exaggerated to say the least.
"Then keep your antics directed at the concubines and not any of my children," he says sharply. "And whatever you do, ensure that it is in my best interests."
Ulishi frowns deeply.
"Don't frown, my love, you are the most favored woman in the kingdom! You've born me 3 children and helped me expand this kingdom," he says, his eyes big and his lips turned in a pout. I feel neasuous being here.
"You're right, Garny, I forgot what was most important. You," she says and kisses him.
"How is that strategy plan to take over Baron Carlyle's estate going?" He asks while her fingers caress his thinning hair.
"Oh, with the information Sayra got for me it should be finished in a month!" She replies and kisses him again.
"Can you make it two weeks?" He says. "There's the summer ball coming up and I'd hate to have to look at his ugly face again."
She frowns. "Is that more important than us right now?" She whispers.
"Well, Sayra's still here, so unless you want her to join us perhaps we should be considerate."
"Oh!" She says quickly and moves away. "My apologies. I shall go see to that issue immediately," she says and stands to her feet.
The moment to door closes Garnam turns to me. "So what can you tell me about this Lorora girl that Ulishi shouldn't hear?" He says.
I smirk, the pieces are falling into place, let's see who I should put my faith in. Lorora or Ulishi.
"She is clever, but unambitious. I have yet to detect a flaw in her perfect princess image. She is forgiving but won't tolerate disrespect. She is perceptive, but does little with her knowledge unless she deems it absolutely necessary. She would be the perfect royal wife, if she cared for anything beyond her fish and her frogs."
"Why did she interfere with the royal children?" He asks, a predictable glint entering his eyes.
"She thought it unseemly of royal children to tousle and bully one another, like the dignified lady that she is. She considered it an eyesore."
"You admire her, I see," he says, in a low voice, leaning in to me. There's wine on his breath.
I nod. "She has a dignity above Ulishi's."
"Thank you," he says. "You may go."
I stand to my feet and leave the room. Trying hard to conceal my grin. Let's see if he takes the bait and if Lorora rises to the challenge.
As I slip down the dimly lit hall of the king and queen's palace my sleeve is yanked at and I'm pulled into a small broom closet. As expected, it's Ulishi.
"What do you want for you to take down Lorora?" She whispers fiercely.
And, the next fish is taking the bait.
"My own land," I reply. "I don't care what it is, it can be a mountain region for all I care, but I want my own land signed, stamped and delivered to me."
"That's easy enough, although a peasant owning land is unheard of. It will be purely on the merit of my great favor for you," she says. I can only see the dim outline of her beautiful face. I always thought she was the pinnacle of dignity until I met Lorora. I wanted to be just like her, and surpass her and defeat her. Now I think she resembles a weasel, sneaking around to steal what she doesn't own. A day with Lorora and I'm already going crazy!
"How do I take her down?" She says.
"The best way to destroy a concubine is to catch her cheating," I reply. "With her status she would simply be sent home, not executed for infidelity to the king."
"That's fine!" She hisses. "Let's just be rid of her!"
Ulishi does not like having a woman who is on equal footing to her. I try not to chuckle.
"How could you get a woman like her to cheat?" Asks the queen
"She doesn't have to cheat, just look like she's cheating," I reply.
"Oh! And you have a plan?"
"Find an escaped slave from Westand, one with that unsightly tattoo. Hire him to help her with her garden, ensure he's wounded. She may take him to her guest bedroom to have him treated and I shall send Rundale and Fyria to walk past that window on their way to visit Lorora for an impromptu visit," I say. "Ensure he's handsome."
"Why would she treat him herself?" She asks.
"She treats wounded birds and frogs and children, how could she resist helping a handsome unfortunate ex-slave?" I reply.
"Hm, if she is any part a woman she will certainly take such an opportunity," says Ulishi. "We will also see to it that her maid is occupied at the time for an essential palace maid etiquette lesson."
I leave the closet feeling quite accomplished. Let's see if Lorora will treat that poor unfortunate ex-slave the same way she treated me! My heart pounds and my fave flushes. She better not treat him kindly like she did me or I'll stop at nothing to get her out! I pause, why did I set this up again? Why do I care how Lorora treats her servants? I bite my lip and try not to remember the feeling of her hands weaving under and over my inner thigh. How it tingled when she touched my tattoo. Will she do the same thing to this young man? If she does, let her go home. I won't just be an object of pity to her. And how she reacts to this man will show me if it was only pity she showed to me or if I'm anything more to her. I purse my lips. My feelings for this girl I am letting run rampant but I've never felt so alive and for once I feel like I'm betting on a winner.

The 14th Concubine of a Harem KingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu