Lorora's Garden

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Chapter 6
"Your garden is absolutely beautiful!" She says taking my arm.
Since that evening Rundale has developed an affinity to me and often visits me in my garden.

"So that's Tara, Philo, and Gorna?" She points to my three perfect carp, swimming in their pond.
"No, that one's Tara and that's Gorna," I correct her.
"Oh! Sorry! I still have a lot to learn about fish haha..." she laughs nervously. She's the type of girl who looks for praise from others and always wants to impress people who seem even remotely more important than she is. The only reason she follows me is likely due to my being the only princess in the harem.
"It's no concern. Why don't we go to the gazebo and play Qawell?" I say. I love my gazebo because I can watch my fish there and sometimes the frogs come to visit the pond as well while I sit above them. Her eyes light up and she rushes over.
I pull out the game pieces and we begin.
"What should we bet on?" She asks, her brown eyes wide in anticipation.
"Why don't we play for random facts." I say.
"What do you mean?" She says.
"Tell me something cute and funny about yourself or something you like. Some strange knowledge you know that you find interesting."
She smiles. "That sounds lovely!"

No, you're lovely Rundale, I think to myself. And if that Sayra girl tries to take advantage of you again she'll have to go through me the little tramp.

"Please call me Rudy. That's what Sayra and the others call me," she says.
"Alright Rudy," I reply. "It seems like you all really look up to Sayra."
Her eyes widen and she nods. "Sayra was the third concubine after Vahalia and Porshelle."
I frown, that's why she was so bent on humiliating those two specifically that night.
"Everyone gets along so well since she came. Whenever any of us fight she helps us to make up, she taught all of us how to play Qawell. She used to work at a gambling house before the king took notice of her on one of his journeys. He was so awed by her beauty and charm that he made her concubine right away!" She prattles on. "Ever since she came everyone has been so happy. We play games together, and drink together, go on outings together. She tells us all about common life all night sometimes. Even though she's the most favored concubine she doesn't act like she's better than us," she continues as we play the game. I lose on purpose and give her tips on how to cheat. Her eyes widen as I show her how easy it is and how easy it is to notice when someone cheats in Qawell. With this I hope to plant some seeds for her when Sayra tries to play with her next. While I do this, I gather as much information about Sayra as I can from her. I need to know my enemy in order to defeat her

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