Wishful Thinking

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Breakfast is oddly awkward today. Valder, Gapelle and Chisaia keep glancing at each other then looking down, then looking at me and then glaring at Sayra. I frown, did Sayra cause trouble already? I glance beside me and she smiles cheerily.
"Tomorrow, we are holding a grand ball to celebrate your visit," says Father.
"But we are already having one in a couple weeks," I reply.
"I'm the king! I can have as many balls as I want!"
Audible sighs are heard across the table. I slump down. Oh boy, here we go again. He's showing his obvious favoritism to me at the expense of the rest of his children. I glance over at him with a stern look.
"What's the matter Rory? It's not like you'll be here forever, I should be allowed to spoil you for a few weeks," he insists.
I lower my gaze.
"It's decided then! I'll invite everyone! If they don't come to my daughters homecoming ball they will fall out of my favor! Your dress will be made immediately. Go to town with your lady in waiting Arsey or whatever he name is and Yalise and we shall get to work!" He stands to his feet and immediately starts summoning the servants and giving them directives. I glance over at Sayra. Who is guiltily avoiding my eyes. I think I need to go back home and fast before everything gets out of hand here. But ugh, everything is out of hand there too. I want to disappear into the floor.
"I have lots of gowns in my closer here. We will look through them after breakfast," I say. I'm not enthused about taking a trip to town I'd prefer to discover whatever it was Sayra did last night to my siblings. "Chisaia and Gapelle would you two like to play a game of Qawell with me this afternoon before the event? I played it a lot back in Adran so I want to show you two some of the tricks I picked up!" I smile. Sayra twitched nervously beside me. Usually they turn me down but this time they look at each other and nod. "Of course, our dear, dear little sister wants to play a game with us. How could we refuse?" Says Gapelle as condescendingly as she can.
"Lady Aryas, won't you join us?" Asks Chisaia.
"I believe lady Aryas has to assist Yalise in preparing for the ball tomorrow evening. So she will have to decline," I say sternly turning to Sayra.
"Yes... yes of course! I'll do that right away," she says.
I must discover what that insane little vixen is up to.
I get to my quarters and am met immediately by Sayra at the door.
"Whatever they tell you, it's not true," she says.
"Have you meddled in my family business?" I demand.
She shakes her head furiously. "No, actually they tried to come to me to get through to you. But I wouldn't hear of it. They didn't like that so now they're angry with me."
I pause. They would go to Sayra if say, Chisaia needed help with paperwork or Gapelle had something to meddle about with me but it's not like them to act together. Just like they hide their intentions and feelings from me, they also do the same with each other. They'll pretend to have a united front but each of them have their own private agendas. My eyebrows furrow.
"But their meeting timings were off so they ran into each other..." she says. "So now they're embarrassed and angry at me because I didn't run their errands and they caught each other in the act."
Okay, that's believable. I chuckle. "So what did they want from me?"
Sayra scowls. "One had homework and the other wanted me to deliver clothes to you. The other guy, I don't know what he wanted because they all ran into each other before he could tell me."
I nod. Chisaia needed help with her latest project she's convinced is her calling in life. Gapelle had some magic outfit she wants me to wear to be her doll. And Valder was probably nosy and wanted information on Ardan. They're all too predictable.
"It must have been funny to watch," I giggle.
Sayra smirks. "Yes, they were flustered to say the least. Serves them right though, you have no reason to help or humor those bitches."
"Those are my family!" I snap.
Sayra shrugs. "They're dull, nosy and lazy people who are jealous of you. But they can't begin to compete so they pretend to snub you when secretly they need you for every little thing. It's disgusting."
My face grows hot with anger. "You're a fine one to talk! Always supporting some useless adopted brother who doesn't care how hard you work or what you put yourself through to pay his debts!"
"Better one useless brother than 5 useless siblings who despise you! And you know why I take care of him! I owe my life to our father," she snaps. Her face flushed with anger. I know I went to far by bringing up her brother but she went too far too.
"You put yourself through hell for some guy who doesn't respect you!" I snap.
"And you bend over backwards for some entitled spoiled brats who are family in name only!" She retorts.
"Our father clearly favors me, of course its hurtful for them to watch! I understand why they feel the way they do!" I reply.
"You wouldn't act that way if you were in their position," she says.
I pause. "Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. But none of it is any of your business!"
She humphs. "Perhaps it isn't but I'm not the one who involved me. It was your family. Why don't you control your dumb sisters before you get angry at me."
I sigh. "You're right. Knowing your personality you were likely incensed by being treated like an errand girl. I will speak to them about their behavior this afternoon."
She shakes her head. "No, it's best they don't know I told you. I pretended we aren't close and if they knew I told you, they'll harm me."
She's right. I forgot now I have Sayra with me, my relentless siblings might actively come after her to hurt me. It wasn't so bad when it was just me and Yalise. We could handle them. But now that Sayra is here, they will be nothing but more dangerous. What am I going to do? Ugh, this is giving me a headache I take a swig of water from a pitcher in the sitting room then go to my bedroom.
I plop on my bed face down. "Stay in my quarters with me and Yalise for the next few days till this mess blows over," I tell her. "I need a nap."
She softly leaves, closing the door behind her. Can I trust her to stay here? I sigh, I was in such a rush to get back here. My safe place. My home. My family. But now I'm starting to remember why I left. I don't enjoy my father favoring me. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't like the games my siblings play and they're even worse now Sayra is involved. Garnam is absolute scum but I miss his children and there Sayra has the harem under her thumb. When she's on my side the only enemies are Garnam and Ulishi. Here even my father feels like a menace. He loves me, sure, but I don't enjoy the extra attention, the balls, the favors and the dresses. I'd always tell him this but nothing I'd say could convince him I just want to spend time with the whole family. Go to a lakehouse and play dumb games on the lawn. Catch frogs and possibly dump them down Chisaia's dress. I slowly drift off imagining my ideal family life I never had.

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