Caught Red-Handed

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"A maid came to Porchelle's house and demanded a change of clothes for him? And took his best set!" I say, frowning deeply at my informant from Porchelle's house. "Didn't I tell you to leave the door locked and allow no one in? Not even the prince?"
The maid stands in front of me, her hands shaking nervously. I'm so annoyed, how stupid can you be? I will get Porchelle to fire her when she gets out.
"I.... I had to open the door, it was the princess' strong maid," she stutters. "She even had the princess' signature in a letter demanding a nice set of clothes for the prince...who was visiting Lorora..."
Every word this pathetic little waif says deepens my displeasure.
"You may go!" I say, not wishing to hear anymore.
She quietly slips out of my house, leaving me to my unpleasant thoughts.

"Ugh, Lorora that stupid fish girl! I told him to pester her not befriend her. What's she doing finding him clothes anyways?" I mutter to myself and slam my hand on the table. "Does she take pleasure in wrecking my plans? Now what will the first prince do when he sees Harlym clean and nicely dressed? He was supposed to look like a peasant boy rolling in the mud like he always does! The first prince will be furious when he sees Harlym now!" My bad habit of talking to myself is coming back. Ugh, that stupid Lorora must love watching my plans get ruined. I collapse on my royally purple couch and stare at the golden candleholder on the bookshelf. All the best titles of expensive literature I've never read lines the shelves. I sigh, this is stupid.

A gentle squaking sound comes from the door and I sit up to see Harlym, in his nicest white coat with tails, his hair brushed and newly washed and even his shoes clean and shiny. His eyes are wide and a big tear escape it.
"You... you want my brother to bully me?"
My heart drops to my stomach.
"Or course not!" I lie barefaced. "Why would you think that?" Perhaps I can convince him he heard me wrong. Kids are gullible with people they trust.
"You despicable whore!" He shrieks, his face twists from tearful to furious in a moment. "I heard all of that! I heard you talking to Taraya! I heard you admit to your crime afterwards!"
I push tears out and kneel down to him. "I'm sorry Harlym, your brother threatened me. I'm not very strong because he's the first prince. If I didn't do what he asked he would kill me."
He stares at me. Stares into my tearful eyes. "You're disgusting," he spits in my face. "My father is an idiot for liking you."
"'re calling the king an idiot?" I switch tactics trying to use the kings name to scare him.
He stomps his foot loudly on my richly carpeted floor. "Silence! You're a peasant slut and I'm the second prince! Get out of my sight!"
"But... this is my home..." I persist.
"I said get out! Let me gather my things from here in peace!"
I lower my head. "Yes, your highness," and I slowly trudge to the door past him. I pause. "Please find it in your heart to forgive me...I was only scared of your brother..."
"I liked you only as long as you let me do what I wanted," he says in a cold and cruel tone. "I never cared about you."
The door slams behind me. I've been kicked out of my own home.

Lorora, you bitch! Turning Harlym against me! I'll make you pay, just you wait, I'll make you grovel before me! I'll make you wish you were never born. I pace in the gardens. The concubines' gardens are all beside each other and each one represents the tastes of the owner. I'm stumbling through Fyria's garden trying to figure out what to do. I can paint Harlym as a little boy throwing a temper tantrum because of his mother's poor choices. Its his word against mine and the others know Harlym to be an emotionally unstable, reckless child. Then everyone will pity me for trying to care for him and getting humiliated in thr process. The plan slowly forms in my head and I pick up the pace. This could work. My thoughts are deep and I'm not entirely sure where I am then suddenly Lorora appears in front of me. She takes one look at me and slaps me across the face.

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