Cookies Solve Everything

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Sayra drags her feet leaving my house as if she didn't want to go. I frown, she reminds me of my older sister whenever she wouldn't get her way. When something went wrong she would throw a giant tantrum until Father scolded her over it. Then she'd hide in her room and cry and cry. I'd visit her sometimes when that would happen and braid her hair or help her dress so she felt pretty again. She'd go back to looking down on me a week afterwards but I liked to think it was all for show to seem tough to the others. When they weren't looking she'd give me gifts or try to say something nice. I sigh, I hope these royal children don't turn out like we did. My father didn't little to mitigate the conflict and sometimes fed into it by obviously favoring me so much. I know I promised myself not to meddle in the way this palace handled their affairs but I somehow got roped into helping Sayra. This is the last thing I want to do. At least I know how to handle her now. A firm hand and harsh reality check. I sigh, it was not my intention to control anyone in the harem but Sayra is a menace if she's not dealt with swiftly. What was she thinking trying to seduce me? What a silly, silly girl. I smirk a little to myself. At least I'm not bored here in any case.
"Yalise!" I call.
"Yes my lady," she appears. I'm still in the guest room.
"Please prepare a plain cake and cookies for tomorrow," i say. "Unpack your best swords as well and take them to the pavillion in the back garden."
She nods and turns to leave.

I get up, go to the kitchen and put on an apron. Yalise hasn't quite finished unpacking so I dig around a bit until I find the sugar, lard, milk, vanilla, chocolate and a few expensive food dyes. I mix up the sugar, lard and milk and then distribute it into smaller bowls where I flavor, or color each bowl differently. After that, I cover them with a towel and go to my room to change. I have much to prepare for if this is to go smoothly.

The next day arrives and the house smells heavenly. The first child to arrive is a princess, she looks over my blue and white silk dress with approval but frowns when her eyes settle on my face.
"Princess Kyri, daughter of queen Ulishi and king Garnam. 1st princess of Ardan. Pleased to meet you Lorora 4th princess of Aryalia," she says with an impeccable curtsy. She looks to be about 10 with fierce eyes, long lashes and curly brown hair. Her dress is soft violet with black lace trimmings.
I curtsy back to her. "It's an honor to meet you 1st princess."
She frowns. "Why have you called me here? I heard you also requested my other two sisters and brothers as well."
I open the door of my house and the scent wafts out. Her eyes catch a glint before she regains her composure.
"Would you like to come in before the others arrive?" I ask opening the door wide for her. She floats in like a flower drifting in a creek. The irresistible scent of cookies fresh out of the oven draws her in and she walks in the direction of the kitchen. I put my apron on.
"I'm sorry your highness, I was running a bit late and my maid was otherwise occupied so I must decorate these cookies quickly before the others arrive. Do you mind?"
I place them on the table in front of her and lay out the icings beside them.
"Oh, this one is broken, would you be able to eat it?" I pick one up roughly so it crumbles a bit in my hand.
She takes it quickly. "Yes! I mean... if it will help..." she says.
The next one comes. Another little princess. The 3rd princess named Twila. Her mother is Vahalia's daughter. As expected she is shyer and Kyri frowns a little when she sees her. Twila is about 7 and immediately starts decorating the cookies without hesitation. Kyri scolds her but soon joins in. Decorating and snacking on them. The 2nd princess Javelle arrives, she's around 8, and she joins in without a fuss. Soon, all three are laughing together and making pretty designs on their cookies. Twila likes to mix icings and make new colors and swirls. Kyri is detail oriented and has to ensure every corner of the cookie is iced. Javelle is fun loving and would make funny faces on the cookies while giggling at her sisters' disapproving glances. She particularly enjoys annoying Kyri. Twila edges closer to Kyri, it's clear she admires the 1st princess but doesn't have the courage to approach her normally. Kyri's head gets higher and higher as Twila copies her and she even tries one of Twila's swirls on a cookie.
"Harlym!" Exclaims Javelle. She takes her funniest faced cookie and shoves it in his mouth the moment he enters the house.
"Javelle! Don't encourage such bad habits! You'll get in trouble with our royal tutor if he finds out you're the reason behind Harlym's poor manners!" Says Kyri.
Javelle pays her no mind and prattles on. "Aren't they good? I'm the best at decorating, right? My cookies are the most fun!"
"Mmph," Harlym tries to speak with cookie in his mouth.
Twila edges closer to Kyri. I watch their dynamic closely.
"Second prince Harlym here as you requested," he bows a little bit clumsily but I think that's due to his nerves. He glances at Kyri and then down again.
"Oh stop it you two! Don't be so hard on him, Kyri, we're decorating cookies today!" Insists Javelle. "Let's just forget about that mishap with Porchelle and Sayra."
"I don't believe it," says Twila. "Sayra would never do anything mean to Harlym. She's always favored him above the rest of us because of her friendship with Porchelle. Harlym just wants the attention to come off of his mother and Sayra is an easy target because she isn't nobility! That's what my mother says."
Javelle frowns. "Who cares? Adults are all boring anyways!"
Twila glances up to Kyri for approval but she is frowning at her. "Harlym's business is his business. We don't need to display it before the esteemed Princess Lorora. Harlym, come in and decorate a cookie. Javelle is getting out of control with hers so perhaps you can help her."
So Kyri is in charge.
Javelle dances around Harlym and soon ropes him into decorating a joint cookie together. It's clear Javelle likes Harlym best, they are close in age so that is no surprise, and she finds Kyri's scoldings tiresome.
"Javelle, don't be too silly with Harlym or Malyke will tease...him," she broke off when another, taller figure enters the house.
"Your royal highness," all three of the princesses curtsy with their sticky fingers and chocolate smeared faces. Harlym stands, still as a statue. He looks at me.
I smile wide. "You must be the first prince. His royal highness prince Malyke," I say.
He bows courteously. "Despite your position as my father's 14th concubine I deemed it necessary to come as you are also the princess of the great country of Aryalia," he says. "Although I find my father's many wives tiresome I acknowledge that you are, first, an esteemed princess."
I bite my lip trying not to laugh aloud. The boy looks about the same age as Kyri.
"We're twins," she says. "This is my brother, the crown prince."

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