Prince Malyke

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Chapter 16
The prince is a little taller than Kyri. He is dressed nicely in a black shirt and red satin pants. His eyes are dark and sharp and his hair is carefully slicked back, not a strand out of place. I know immediately this child has no fun in his life. He scans the room, surveying the mess of cookie decorating.
"Why are my royal siblings participating in the servants' work?" He demands.
Javelle scrunches up her nose at him.
"Why did he have to come? He always ruins the fun," she says.
Kyri stomps on her foot under the table.
"Ow!" Javelle hops up and down.
I go to the oven and take out the cake.
"My maid is busy so I thought to help her make sweets for the other royal concubines. Your wonderful siblings were so kind to assist me. They are very talented."
He approaches hesitantly and curiously. His eyes soften when he sees Twila's swirls. She looks up at him with big eyes.
"They are pretty," he says.
She picks up the one she spent the most time on and holds it out to him.
"These are for the royal concubines," he says, his Adam's apple bobs up and down.
"There are extras," I say.
That was all he needed. He took the cookie and chewed it hurriedly like someone would take it away from him. Everything he does is probably monitored so closely so he can hardly ever enjoy something like a cookie.
"Oh, the cake is ready," I say and go back to the kitchen to bring it out.
Once I return Kyri, Twila and Malyke are on one corner of the table and Javelle and Harlym on the other. Twila is showing her big brother all the cookies she decorated and Kyri is watching in silence with a frown on her face at Twila.
"I thought since most of the cookies are decorated perhaps the first prince would be willing to help me decorate the cake in a moment when it cools," I say.
He observes the cake, seriously, on all angles. "I will decorate one half and Harlym can do the other. Then we will vote who's side is better."
Harlym frowns. "I don't want to compete."
"Well I order you to!" Replies Malyke. "You never join in any of our games and always just run away and cry like a baby," he says sharply.
Tears well up in Harlym's eyes.
Javelle stomps her foot. "Just stop it Malyke! Nobody likes it when you do stuff like this!"
"He's not even your full brother, why do you always side with him?" He demands.
"Because you're being a bully! He shouldn't have to play if he doesn't want to."
"Nobody plays with me because I'm better than them and it's no fun! Harlym is the only one they let me compete against because princes are supposed to compete with each other like the royal tutor told us!"
"Your highnesses, the cake still has to cool. Why don't we spar a bit?" I butt in.
"Nobody will spar with me! Harlym can barely pick up a sword!" He snaps.
"Then spar with me," I say.
His eyes widen. "You know the art of the sword?"
"Of course," I reply. "I learned so I could protect myself and my siblings in case anyone ever tried to hurt them." It's a lie. My siblings can take care of themselves. I learned because I was bored.Yalise was my bodyguard before she was my maid so she taught me. But these kids don't need to know. If I can encourage Malyke to consider everyone but his siblings as his competition I might be able to stop what happened to me and my siblings.
Malyke runs to the courtyard, entirely forgetting his royal dignity. So the boy adores competition. No wonder he's always targeting Harlym. He doesn't realize Harlym is younger than him and hates competition. If left unchecked Malyke will actively bully Harlym until he grows up with a deep hatred for his brother. But Malyke has three sisters and no one would dare try to best him in a competition because of his status. Poor kid just wants to feel his heart pumping amidst his stifling life.

Yalise is at the courtyard waiting. She bows respectfully handing the most ornate sword of my collection to him. He takes it eagerly. Since I am a princess of high status competing with me won't carry consequences for him. I'm a little rusty but I'm certain I can defeat a 10 year old.
Yalise respectfully offers me my favorite silver sword. It is simple except for one long oval diamond on the handle. It was a gift from my father when I was 12. He liked to shower me with random gifts for any and all hobbies I had regardless of their nature. I sighed deeply, I probably wouldn't be here if he hadn't spoiled me so recklessly in front of my jealous siblings.

He bows to me and I bow back and we begin. His posture and stance are impeccable but his grip on the sword left much to be desired. His teacher spent a lot of time teaching him how to look while sparring but not much about how to actually spar. His energy far surpasses mine so I realize if I want to win I'll need to end this quickly. Sweat beads and trickles down my forehead. We spar for 5 minutes before I decide I must end this so he doesn't outrun me with all his energy. I knock the sword out of his hand and fling it to the garden. His jaw drops.
"You... you beat me!" He exclaims. His face turns red in anger, then purple in embarrassment. His eyes widen. He pauses for a moment, takes a deep breath and bows respectfully to me. "Please allow me to spar with you regularly after my daily lessons."
My jaw drops. I thought I'd be teaching the kid a little humility, turns out I made more work for myself. I close my mouth, bow and return my sword to Yalise.
"Please, no one has dared to best me in anything since I turned 8! I have found someone who I can learn from. I beg of you to take me as your student!"
I glance over at Yalise for support, she chuckles at me. "If it is what your highness desires," I heave a sigh. I underestimated these children.
"Sayra?" Says Twila.
Now for the final event! I think to myself.
"Why is she here?" Sneers Harlym. "I thought I told you never to enter my sight again!"
"Oh who cares about our fathers little peasant concubine. She's just here to do our dirty work," says Malyke. "You should try giving her an order, it's fun! She'll do whatever you say if you're mean enough!" He laughs.
"Malyke!" Says Kyri, frowning. "Where are your manners? Do you want to give her highness a poor impression of you?"
Malyke's face turns white as a sheep and he steps back. "My apologies," he mutters.
Sayra is wearing a pretty white dress with a green ribbon and gold embroidery. Her makeup is simple and her hair is up showing off a slender nape. I swallow hard for a moment. For once she looks... perfect!

I pick up a light sword with emerald stones set into the handle and pass it to her. Then, I take a smaller sword with sapphire stones and give it to Harlym.
"Why don't you two fight it out?"
Everyone's jaw drops.
See, Sayra had been waiting outside during the baking and learning the basics for fencing from Yalise. She wasn't told why and now her hands are trembling in fear.
"Sword....fight?" She hesitates.
"I don't like fencing!" Snaps Harlym. "Besides, why should I compete with that whore?"
"Fencing is a good way to get your anger out. Unfortunately, Sayra isn't going to leave anytime soon so you'll have to look at her. It might do you some good to best her in something," I say.
"Yes!" Malyke jumps up and down in excitement.
Harlym frowns but takes the sword. His face is red with anger just by looking at her and Sayra's hands are shaking.
"But princess Lorora..." she says. "Swords are dangerous."
"So is bullying," I reply curtly. "First one to drop their sword, fall to the ground, get badly wounded or dies will lose the match. No boundaries except you can't leave my garden. Ready, set, match!" I put my hand in the center and raise it to indicate the start of the match.

The 14th Concubine of a Harem Kingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن