Part 16: Hometown

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"Daddy haven't had his dinner yet"

Sophia POV

I've been trying to wrap this present for my dad, I'm usually good at gift wrapping but because of a little organic shape of this chess box I'm struggling. I've packed my bag last night, to say I'm excited to go back home would be the very least. They told me to let the maid pack it for me but why would I do that if I could do it myself.

They've been more protective then ever after the incident, they didn't really let me off of their side, luckily I've managed to convince them somehow to let me back to class.

I pulled out the ribbon that i bought earlier and wrapped it around nicely at the corner for dad.

"Baby, you ready?" Atlas walks in the room.

"Uhu, what do you think?" I showed him the gift that I tried to wrap

"It looks nice baby, now come on I'm pretty sure your dad is waiting for you too" he helped me stand and hold my hand.

We had a conversation couple nights ago, I genuinely told them that I wasn't sure what to say about us to my dad. I kept thinking how should I introduce them properly like hey dad, this are my boyfriends as in 3 different guys who are also siblings I think I might send him to an ER after saying that.

My dad is fine with me dating someone, he was so excited when I date Tyler, of course before he goes insane. They told me and convince me that everything is going to be fine and just told him the truth but I didn't want to, I'm scared not of him but for his health.

We were on the car ride for a while, they've been bundling me up with God knows how many layers of jacket. It's a night flight and it has been raining the whole day, I am cold but I certainly don't need a few layer of jackets.

"Can I please take this off, it is really hot" it is.

"But kitten you say you were cold and your hand was really cold too" Hades replied.

I am sitting on his lap and he has been wrap his hand on my hand to take the cold off. I got cold easily but it's still bearable.

I pouted..

"Okay, but you will let us know if you were cold again" I nodded at Atlas response.

Sometimes I wonder how are this people could afford all of this, we were on their private jet, I was never grow up with this much power and I never crave it too I feels like everything was just a little too much.

Just like that Atlas knows what I was thinking as I've been staring at their jet, as our car approaches.

"Baby, relax hmm why don't you put your jacket on and i'll put you to bed hmm" Atlas slowly putting my jackets on

"I'm not sleepy" I said

"You will soon, is late too"

I looked at the time on my watch, is not is literally only 11pm


"Okay fine" Atlas nodded, hmm it's weird, he usually get really strict about bed time he don't really like i'm staying late, unless it's studying but still he will have limits.

Lost in the OceanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz