Part 5: Home

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"She's in the palace, have fun and do it slowly so she knows how much my little love have gone through"

I couldn't stop thinking about her, I should've just stop the meeting to begin with. Seeing her laying on the hospital bed break my heart, I want her to just stay with us the moment she got out.

I've found out where she lives, to say that's the safest neighborhood would be an understatement, because it isn't. Her lot surrounded by alley on the side and at the back, I figured how she go to the office every day because I know she didn't drive. She took the train everyday and to imagine she walk through the alley every morning and every night, I couldn't. Is not safe for my little love, she can't live here anymore.

I got back to the room to find her sitting on Atlas lap, she's pouting, fuck she's adorable and her lips, I wonder what it feels.. Just thinking about it makes my dick hardened.

"What's wrong love?" I asked, touching her milky leg

"Hades is mad at me"

Atlas give me a knowing look,

"No love, he's just so worried about you, we all are."

"See I told you" Atlas added.

"B-but he was.."

Atlas cut her off "love he's worried about you, we told you to stay remember? But you decided to leave. Listen to us next time, especially when we told you something you should do it. We would never to put you in any harm as well, okay?"

She slowly nodded.

"Words my love". I want her to answer me verbally.

"Yes and I'm sorry"

"Good girl"



It's been 3 days since I got out from hospital, they have been taking care of me from the first night i got admitted, I did told them they can just go because I can always called my friend to help, but they insisted to watch after me. Luckily i was only in the hospital for 1 night, when they got me home they were a bit complaining about where I stay, I do understand what they meant but renting in the city is not cheap and this is the best that I could afford.

They have been persuading me to just stay with them, they're scared that I passed out and no one could help, but I convince them I'm fine and my stepdad flying over to stay for a few days, and today is his last day in town.

"Sweetheart please call me if there's anything okay, I can always stay here longer"

I told him that he can just stay for 3 days, is not that I didn't want him to stay longer but I know he has a job and other responsibilities too, I do not want him to put my needs first before him. He has been through as much as I did, I wouldn't want to see him suffer anymore.

"Dad i know, don't worry okay i'm fine, i promise i will call you if there's anything going on"

I helped him to get on his taxi, he insisted that I shouldn't follow him to airport he wanted me to get more rest.

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