Chapter 34

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Both of them had a black round hat on their head, and their cam recorders in hands, They decided that Jimin will join the office next week at the start of new month. They were begging the guards to stop following them around.

But they weren't listening, it looked so weird, two strange guys walking around with two heavily build up men following them anywhere they go.

He ended up calling Taehyung to give him a lecture how he appointed two men on him who were disturbing his privacy all the time.

"I can't even breathe freely now? Is that what you're saying??" He practically barked while the guards were standing as strong as ever, and Jimin was enjoying the show.

"Jungkook they are there to protect you. And that's what they are doing" Taehyung reasoned, he was getting late for a meeting but younger wasn't done yet.

"Taehyung you never said anything about this! I can sue you" he said looking at jimin, who was busy staring at the guard, with his flirty eyes.

"Sue me then" he said cutting the call and walking inside the meeting room.

And Jungkook kept saying "hello" to a dead call. "Ugh! Why is he so authoritative like I'm some kind of a jewel that needs protection". He banged his head in the table.

"Kook! Can you match me to that guard of yours?" He whispered into Jungkook's ears and Jungkook groaned more.

"Hyung stop embarrassing me, yesterday you tried to kiss him after a few drinks" he whispered yelled at Jimin who covered his face that had a dust of pink on his cheeks.

"Wait, are your over Yoongi hyung?" He asked frowning and Jimin shrugged, "I want to get back to life. I don't think I can stay sad for that long, in the end I'm the one who is responsible to keep me happy".

Jungkook was quite for a moment but later he understood Jimin's point, unlike him, Jimin had much more things and people to enjoy, for Jungkook, Taehyung's love was the height of comfort and his body only seeks that and nothing else.

Even after all these years, the cuddles with older would make him more happy then any other things around. Taehyung calling him 'gguk' was the best compliment for him.

He was a simple guy, a guy deeply and madly in love with the older. So for him, it was weird to see people moving on from something they said they can't live without.

But then again, he grew up with Taehyung, older was in his daily life, his whole mind was filled up with their memories but Jimin just lived with him for a couple of weeks, getting deeper into that phase takes a while, he thought.

But why did Taehyung never fell for him? Even though older said he was the most precious to him, from time to time he said it, back then in their dorms and now.

Then what was that thing that makes one fall in love. What did he not have, in what ways he lack that older wasn't comfortable opening up to him.

Was it his childishness? Or was it his lack of understanding. He wanted to be mature in order to understand Taehyung more, because like Jimin moved on quickly he knows, if Taehyung did what he said the other day about freeing him from this contract, Jungkook would never be able to live happily ever again.

This happiness that makes him feel full only comes when older is around, or he knows he will be here with him all the time.

He can't imagine his life without Taehyung anymore. Was it turning into obsession? He didn't know, all he knows is Taehyung has to fall in love with him now.

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