Chapter 18

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Jungkook was having cereal, the apartment was quite so he turned on the music so he feels less lonely. Jimin and him decided to stay in the same apartment because they didn't want to be alone. But now they both are growing up and finally found someone for them.

Jungkook didn't thought much about the date, he treated it as a casual one because he can't deal with overthinking at this time of the day. He slurped the rest of milk from his bowl before lazily walking around the hall until the bell rang and he excitedly made a run for it, it was his parents and Jungkook Immediately threw himself on his mother who held her big baby in her arms, patting his back.

"Jungkookah" his mother said, "come in" he told them to get inside,

"your phone was turned off" his father said and Jungkook looked around for it and found it dead.

"Where's Jimin ?" His mother asked and Jungkook said he was out with a friend on the trip.

"Did you have a fight with him ? Your mom said you were crying." Jungkook giggled

"he can never make me cry even with his jokes! It was just some work load" he shrugged.

"My design got selected for a big hospital in Incheon! Can you guys believe it?" He said sitting down between them on the couch.

"Aigo! My talented baby" her mother kissed his head, "I will be going to Incheon for a whole week" he exclaimed. He had actually mixed emotions about going to Incheon, Taehyung would be there but he'll manage.

"I was so worried for you. If you ever feel like overwhelmed with work, you can come back home." She said playing with Jungkook head that was placed on her lap. His father moved to Jungkook's room placing their bags, while having a moment to relax.

Jungkook's room was small much like their apartment but whenever they visited they used his while Jungkook sleeps on couch, "let me put my phone on charging" he placed his charger in the kitchen while waiting for it to turn on as his mother decided to cook something for them to eat.

As soon as his phone turned on, he had several missed calls and when be check they were mostly from Taehyung and one from Jimin, there were two voicemails so he placed the phone closer to his ear.

"Jungkookah I'm staying at Yoongi's so don't worry about me" it was jimin.

""Jungkook why won't you come to me" Taehyung's voice sounded very weak, 'was he drunk?' Jungkook thought but he couldn't call him back so he left a text.

~My phone died yesterday! Why'd you call? Are you alright?~

He pressed a sent and waited for an answer but it didn't come so he moved around to help his mom.

Taehyung groaned when his phone vibrated on the floor scaring him in an instant, he moved but his neck pained because of an odd angle he slept on. He opened his eyes slowly and saw a message from Jungkook, then he climbed up to bed and sleep again, but this time in comfort.

A few hours later he has to get up because Seokjin was here, "Mr. Kim you have to go. Mrs. Kim strictly asked me to bring you on time" Jin wasn't just his personal assistant that was limited to office and the older has been doing great job at this, he has managed to stay by his side for the past four years.

Most of the assistant Taehyung hired before, kept getting fired because of his temper and also because of his sexual orientations, almost all of them slept with him, according to people, if someone as hot as Taehyung ask them to fuck and pay, why would someone ever refuse even some of them tried to make him fall in love with them so that's how they kept getting out of equation until Jin came who had no ulterior motive and just needed a job.

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