Chapter 31

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Y'all remember My time performance!! Ugh! Dead!

"Jungkookie! You haven't visited us in so long" his parents said as Jungkook called them after sitting on his office chair.

"Why don't you come over for the weekend. Bring Soo-Hyun too. He said he has never been to busan". His mother said and Jungkook sighed, maybe he should go and explain how they weren't together anymore.

"I'll come by this weekend" he said, and they both made a happy sound. "How is Jimin ? He must be working hard" his father asked and Jungkook nodded, giving insights of how cool his song was. Jimin sang it for him, he didn't have any copy of it yet.

Today Jimin didn't come to office, and Jungkook didn't force him either. He left with Taehyung who got a good scolding from Jungkook for leaving him like that.

"I've never done that before" he said to older when they were driving to office.

"I can't believe this" Jungkook's felt ashamed admitting when he had to take care of it, his face was already red, and Taehyung fuelled him more,

"Were you thinking about my hand or my mouth" and Jungkook closed his ears with his both hands. Looking out while older laughed out loud at his reaction.

He still got a dust of pink when he remembered how shamelessly he thought about older's mouth, down there.

He denied his inner thoughts and focused on work,
'I'll take revenge' he thought make a mean bunny face.

"Where's Jim?" Yogyeom asked, ans Jungkook replied he was tired and couldn't come.

"I hate to admit but I will miss him" he said, making Jungkook feel sad too, "me too!" He pouted.

They both called Jimin with phone on speaker.

"Kook" Jimin's voice was hoarse as he woke up again.

"Jim! We'll miss you bro". Yogyeom said, "yes hyung! Who will make us laugh when you'll leave" Jungkook fake sniffed making Jimin laugh.

"I will keep coming around" he said and them both smiled, "will you bring food too? Cause you'll be all rich and stuff" Yogyeom said and Jimin laughed.

"Depends on how good you treat me now" he replied and Yogyeom called him with good names, "sweet Jimin! You have the best smile. Have I ever told you before?" Both Jungkook and Jimin laughed.

"Park! You didn't come today?" They both looked up to see Choe, jimin rolled his eyes on the other side of the phone.

"I know you just rolled your eyes on me park! Keep scrolling you might actually find your brain back there somewhere" he said and Jimin made an annoying sound, "I will sue you for disturbing my peace Choe! Let me get rich" he screamed and they all laughed, even Choe.

"See you at court because you are fired!" Choe said with an annoying tone and Jimin laughed, "I'm giving my own resignation tomorrow you horribly torn condom! Fuck you" he said and cut the call. Both yogyeom and Jungkook knew today they will get scolding for no reason by the face Choe made.

And it was true because they were denied a break, even though they didn't say anything. Them both were sitting and working all day. Editing and recreating, they also had to do Jimin's work.

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