I let out a relieved sigh, leaning against the shelves and studying the peculiar bird for a moment.

"And....you've returned," I grunted, letting out a loose breath.

The bird only blinked back at me, studying me with as much intensity as I did it.

"Here I am trying to find a map to escape and you come back so willingly," I scoffed still trying to understand this bird.

"If you're trying to thank me, you don't have to stay. I accepted your gratitude already."

It simply adjusted its perch, moving to the side, before looking back at me with those black eyes.

Why was I talking to it like it could reply?
I shut my eyes for a moment, shaking my head and chuckling at the humor of it all.

Well, on the bright side, at least I had someone to talk to. Or something to talk to. Who would care if I was slowly losing my mind in private?

Taking a breath out, I took note of my surroundings.

"Where am I going to find a map?" I mumbled to myself, eyes trailing back to the Raven, who tilted its head, staring back at me.

I suddenly froze when something clicked.

"Wait-" I began standing upright.

The raven cawed as my gaze trailed my surroundings. I took a step back from the bookshelves, spinning around, taking in the full sight of everything.

My gaze snapped to the raven with a wide smile, "I'm in a library," I hinted.

The bird blinked.

"I'm in a library." I repeated with a chuckle, "The library. Valcanes oldest. Where else can I find a map of Valcane other than in a library?! There must be a map somewhere around here," I grinned moving closer to the raven as I spoke.

"I mastered the map of Night Moon Pack by heart, I just have to figure out the territory on a map of Valcane and from there, I can tell what route to use to get to the port!"

I gleamed at this now only a foot away from the bird and it watched me carefully not bothering to fly away despite our proximity.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I threw a fist in the air. Finally, something was coming together.

"Okay, okay," I tried to calm my excitement turning back to the Raven, "I'll just have to find a map right?"

My gaze trailed to the vast library

-"And how hard can that possibly.... be?" I trailed off gulping at the width of the library. I side glanced at the raven and it blinked again.

Taking out a breath, I went to a random section of the library.

"Here goes nothing." I breathed.


"Nothing, nothing -nothing" I grunted, slamming a book shut.

I was sweating, glancing about for my next prey but my fingers were already shaking and my arms hurt from grabbing stacks of books.

MATED TO THE NIGHT WOLF (MTTNW)Where stories live. Discover now