The Piggyback Pt. 2

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"Shh, yeah, it's me. Just hold still, I'm taking you to the benches." Eddie says as gently as he can.

His footsteps were heavy, feeling every boom as he walked from the rink to the common area. You couldn't stand to feel this way any longer, you started to close your eyes.

"Hey.." A velvet voice spoke to you. "I need you awake y/n, c'mon.." He seemingly pleaded. You felt the movement stop as Eddie stopped at an empty bench. He just had you in his lap as you tried to gauge what was happening around you. You fluttered your eyes open, Eddie was staring back at you, "Welcome back." He said softly as he helped you sit on your own.

He sat you right next to him, an arm still wrapped around your waist to keep you steady. However the second your leg moved it felt like your ankle was shattered. You cried out as Eddie turned attentively, noticing the way your hands shot to your ankle to hold it. 

"Shit.." He said as he got to the floor.

"This might hurt, but I need to check if it's broken." He cooed to you, he knew that he was probably the last person you wanted taking care of you, but at the same time it felt right.

It was like he felt like this was all he was made to do.

Carefully he starts to untie your skate, fidgeting the laces with one hand while the other kept your leg in place. "You took quite a fall.. Sorry the boys are a bunch of morons." He spoke carefully as he tried to apologize for the boys' actions. 

"It's fine.. Jesus.." You mutter as you hold your head in your hands, everything hurt. Your body felt like it had been hit by a bus, but alas it was a three car pile-up of stupid. "Are the boys okay?" You manage to mumble out, hearing a laugh come from the boy at his knees for you. 

You moved your hands to see him smiling up at you, a smile you haven't seen in years. 

"Only you, Y/n Buckley, would be the victim of these buttheads and still worry for them." He said between chuckles. "You haven't changed a bit." He says quieter, the smile still present on his face. You scoffed out a small laugh as you watched him take care of you.

However, you felt speechless, the scoff was all that came out. You wanted to scream at him for everything but, a part of you just wanted to hug him. It was a tug of war that never seemed to rest, even after all this time.

"Hello? Earth to y/n?" Eddie quipped, trying to bring you out of your trance. Snapping out of it quickly you notice the laces are untied, and he has both hands on the back of the skate. "Y/n, this might be the last thing you want but I need to take off the skate." He said cautiously.

The pain was throbbing as you were brought back to your present reality. 

"Eddie, don't.. please." You try to protest, it hurt too bad for him to handle it, you wanted to go to a real doctor. He sighed and stared up at you, "At least let me drive you to the hospital." He said, trying to compromise. "No, where's Robin?! She could get Steve.. or our parents.. Anyone but that van." 

As you bicker back and forth, he notices he has you distracted, so he pulls off the skate in one slick movement. 

"Fuck Eddie! What the hell?!" You cried out as he hissed at your words.

 "I'm sorry! but I needed to get it off!" He barked back, "Now can we go to the hospital?" He said impatiently.

"No." You spoke through gritted teeth as you went to your right foot to untie the skate. "I'll drive myself." Your sentences now short and cold. 

Eddie stared back at you in disbelief, "You're kidding me." He said as he stood over you, you just shrugged, not even standing to look at him. "Nope, I drove here, I shattered my left ankle, I drive with my right." You said as you start to collect your things. 

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