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You stand at your locker, hanging pictures and magnets you put so carefully to look nice. 

As you adjust the pictures of your favorite bands and artists and places. 

You hear a knock on the other side and notice dirty sneakers standing next to you. 

"Who is it?" You say wittily and from the other side of the door, Eddie's head pops out. 

"Hey Y/n! Whatcha doin?" He says as he peeks over to see the pictures. 

You smile proudly as he gazes at them. 

"You did that?" He asks, never averting his gaze. 

"Indeed I did, I got the small pictures from work, old postcards, things like that." You say and notice his hand is reaching for your masterpiece to take them for a closer look.

You swat his hand quickly, he lets out a yelp but it definitely hurt you more because of his rings. 

"Ow! You could've just said no.." He says, rubbing his hand, clearly faking his injury.

"You know what they say," You close your locker and look at him. "actions speak louder than words." 

He pouts and stretches his hand out to you. "It's wounded and it's your fault. You must kiss it better."

You roll your eyes and take his hand, him smiling at you obeying. 

As you go to kiss it, you suddenly slip one of his rings off his finger and run for it, giggling as you sprint away. 

"Hey! Not cool y/n!!" He exclaims as he starts to chase you. 

You run through the school, looking over your shoulder periodically. 

Once you couldn't see him behind you, you sprint into the lunchroom, headed for the table with all of your friends. 

You pause to say hello, and to catch your breath. Dustin, Mike and the guys look at you puzzled. 

"Why do you sound and look  like you just ran a marathon?" Mike asks as he stuffs his face with cafeteria food. 

You hold up the ring proudly and Dustin starts to laugh. "He's going to kill you, you know that right?" 

You laugh as you slip the ring onto your thumb, "I ran away, I think I lost him in the science hall, so I don't think he's gonna find-". 

You're cut off as you feel arms come up behind you and pick you up. You scream and laugh as you see the black leather jacket sleeves. 

"Give me my ring back, you wench!" Eddie yells as he spins you, you're both laughing when suddenly, you hear a


You look down and notice a cassette, broken in pieces on the floor. You both get quiet as he sets you down gently. "Shit! " You say as you lean down to examine the pieces. 

"My metal mixtape! this took me more than a year  to make." You whine as you pick up the shards in your hand. 

"Fuck, y/n, i'm so so sorry, I didn't even see it fall out of your pocket.." Eddie says, a crack in his voice. You can tell he felt really guilty, you stand up and place his ring back in his hand. 

You sighed and looked up at him. "It's not your fault Eds, I didn't know it fell out either." You say as you put the pieces in the stray pocket of your bag. 

He was still frowning and after a moment he placed his ring back in your hand. 

"Eddie, c'mon, stop. Take your ring back." You groan.

Eddie Munson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now