The Hideout

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It was your first time going out since you've moved to Hawkins, Indiana.

At school you heard about different places to hang out, one you've overheard was a place called The Hideout.

You decided to say fuck it, and go.

You hopped in your car and got directions from your friend Robin, although she said she had band practice and couldn't go.

So you pull into the foggy, darkened parking lot.

The bellowing of the bass was evident, even outside.

There wasn't even a bouncer, you just kinda walked in.

It was a small, run down dive bar. 

The lights were colorful but dimmed and the fog machine pretty much filled the air more than the oxygen.

You walk up to the bar and immediately the bar tender asks what you want.

Taking the chance, you ask for a long island iced tea.

You thought you were going to be carded or kicked out, but the bartender just shoots you a friendly smile. 

"Comin' right up miss." He says over the blaring music as he turns his back to you.

You start to gaze around the room, people who thought they could handle their alcohol were face down on some tables.

They were proven wrong.

Making your way to the stage, the band looked lively. 

And.. familiar?

The bartender slides the drink to you, you pay him and sit down at a table in the front row.

You know the band from somewhere.

But where?

You listen closely as they play, the front man looks painfully familiar.

You start to think back to where you've seen him..

Grocery store? No.

In your new neighborhood?  Nope.

School?  Yes! School!

Your gaze focuses on Eddie, a boy from your english class.

He's shredding music of his own creation, his fingers dancing up and down the fret board effortlessly.

You don't seem to recognize any other members of the band, but you assume they go to your school as well.

You take sparing sips of your drink and watch him in awe.

He sings up at the mic while he plays, you've never seen metal music look so angelic.

His eyes gaze across the room until he sees you sitting there, his eyes widen and a grin appears.

He remembers you too.

As the song finishes up you start to cheer for them, looking around you see you're the only one sober enough to coordinate a clap. 

But that didn't bother you.

You sit there and listen through the whole set, always seeming to know when Eddies eyes were tracking you.

It gave you butterflies, your eyes meet his as he leaves the mic for his solo.

You watch him cross the stage right to you, getting on his knees and absolutely killing it.

You start to 'woo' and cheer for him, just happy to see him in his element.

Eddie looks back up at you, giving you a wink as he stood back up, his hands never leaving the guitar or messing up.

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