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"How much longer?" You ask Eddie as you lay on his chest. It was almost time to head into school, which means you wouldn't talk until later that day. "Soon, I promise." He coos as he rubs the small of your back.

You and Eddie have been dating for about three months, and it was all a secret. He loved you more than anything in this world, he was just terrified of how people would treat you if they found out you were with him. "I'm not scared of those idiotic kids, Eddie. I'm sick of being hidden.." You mutter as you escape his embrace to sit up.

Eddie sighs as he sits up as well, "I'm not hiding you, I'm keeping you safe." Eddie argues, you just scoff at him. "Really? Safe? That's why you can only seeing me if we're in the back of your van where no one can see? Or crawling in through my window at night because god forbid someone saw that I was happy.." You snap, ranting about how much this actually affects you.

"I just don't want you to get hurt.." Eddie says quietly, fidgeting with his rings. "Well, my boyfriend hiding me from the world hurts more than any word or action the morons of this school could do." You say, grabbing your backpack. "I'll see you 'round.." You finish with tears in your eyes as you swing open the door to his van, slamming it behind you.

Once the school day was in full swing you were distracted, but not feeling any better. Even if you had classes with Eddie, you refused to look at him, but his eyes were always tracking you. He hated being ignored, but he was also mad at himself for keeping you hidden for so long.

As the day went on you stood at your locker, collecting your books for the next period. You feel a presence approach you. When you look up, your eyes meet Jason's, his wide, plastered smile was always so creepy. "Hey y/n.. uh, so I guess we're paired for the english project thing?" He says cluelessly, you had forgotten all about that. He starts to ramble on about the assignment, you weren't really listening though.

For a second you glance behind Jason, far off in the doorway of the hall, Eddie is standing there, staring daggers into the back of Jason's head. Studying how Jason speaks and acts towards you. When you tune back in, Jason is asking you about the project. "..but yeah, you've been at school with me long enough to know I'm not one for homework, I got practice every night and-" You cut off Jason by putting a hand on his shoulder, making sure Eddie could see.

"Jason, I've known you since childhood, I got the project, I'll do what I've always done, do a project that deserves an A, but once I put your name on it, settle for that B." You say in a sweet tone, but your words were coated with venom. He just smiles nervously, "Well, okay then, thanks y/n." He says awkwardly, you give him a friendly wave as he makes his way past you.

Once the bell rings and the hall is empty, the only two people left were you and Eddie, he walks up to you, settling himself next to you. "You wanna tell me what that was?" Eddie interrogates, his leg bouncing from pent up frustration. You look over at him, like you were shocked to see him. "Oh hey! Eddie.. right?" You say sweetly, he chuckles as he starts to get more frustrated.

"Don't play me like that, doll. You knew what you were doing." He says, jealousy coating his words as he inches closer. "You mean talking to another person about a project we were assigned to do together?" You reply, starting to lose your patience. "That wasn't just another person, it was Jason. You know how I feel about him." He hisses.

"Oh yes, I do know how you feel about Jason, but that's the saddest part really.." You start, slamming your locker shut as you turn to him. "I know how you feel about everyone else, but I don't have a single clue about how you feel about me." Your voice starting to break as you speak. Eddie's eyes grow softer as you talk, he never realized how much this really hurt you. "I've walked these halls everyday for three months, wishing that maybe you'd just decide you didn't care what anyone else thought."

You feel your knuckles turn white as you hold a fist, this hurt so bad but you had to vent, "That maybe you'd wake up and realize that if we're happy it doesn't matter. That you would wrap your arms around me, and be the sweet, caring boyfriend you are when no one else is around." You finish, feeling the frustrated tears fall from your face. "Y/n.. I-" Eddie reaches for you, but you flinch away, he realizes that he's loosing you, and fast.

"I don't.. want to hear it.." The final bell rings, of course you're late, you turn away from Eddie, walking away as your tears fall. You rush into your class, walking past the teacher as she scolds you. Planting yourself in your seat, not speaking a single word, wiping the tears from your eyes.

Your classes seemed like they would never end, as soon as lunch came you didn't know what to do. Usually you would sneak out of the school and make your way to the woods where Eddie would meet you there, you'd spend that time helping him with homework or just smoking and making out. But you couldn't bring yourself to go, so instead you sat at an empty lunch table. As you sat there with your tray of cafeteria food that you had no intention on touching, you hear a voice from afar. "Hey! Y/n! Sit with us!"

It was Jason.

You looked at him puzzled, he's never really been this nice to you before, he waves you over incessantly, so you decide to do so. Jason offered a seat next to him, you took it. You've never sat with the more popular kids before, they all seemed nice enough, making conversation with you as you sat down. While you talked, you noticed Jason's eyes on you the whole time, checking out your figure as the others talked to you.

"So.. y/n.." Jason says, casually moving his hand onto your thigh, it startled you, was Jason flirting with you? "How's our little, project.. coming along?" He purred as his hand started to massage your thigh. You let out a dry, nervous laugh, moving a few inches from him at a time. "Oh you know, how most of these go.. Read a book that i've already read a million times, make up some bullshit, and boom, done." You ramble shakily as his advances wont stop.

Just then, as he tries to move closer, you hear a SLAM! of the cafeteria doors swing open, Eddie is standing there. Your heart can't tell whether or not it's beating fast with adrenaline or stopping from a heart attack. Eddie's eyes meet yours, and you expect him to be mad, but instead he confidently struts over to you. You stand up to face him, ready for him to give you hell, or even dump you right then.

"There you are, y/n! I've been looking all over for you darling." He coos as he pulls you in by the belt loops of your jeans, "I missed you beautiful." kissing you in front of the entire student body. The room is filled with murmurs and whispers as your lips stay locked with his. "Ugh, seriously? This freak?" Jason scoffs, causing you to pull away to turn to him. "Excuse me?" You hiss his way, his face falling pale. "Uh.." Jasons demeanor turned nervous, "I just think you could do better with someone who actually has a future, like me." He smiles as he massages his own ego.

"Ah yes, the kind of guy that's so easily cheating on Chrissy by flirting with y/n? Yeah, you're a real catch." Eddie chimes as his arm slings around your shoulders. You let out a small laugh, lifting your hand to his as your fingers lace together.

Jason just scoffs once more, turning away from the both of you, "Freaks.. nothing but a bunch'a freaks.." He mutters angrily, causing you to look up at Eddie. He smiles down at you, kissing you once more. "No more secrets." He says promisingly, turning the two of you away from the jocks and right to the Hellfire table.

"What are we doing now?" You ask. "Introducing you to the rest of the freaks, I want them to know you." He says with a bright smile, leaning down to your ear, "And after, we're going to the back of the van.. and I'll show you how sorry I am. After I'm done, everyone will know you're mine." He purrs as chills go up your body. Your face flushes red as you agree, the boys of the Hellfire table greeting you warmly.

'No more secrets..' You think to yourself, knowing now how much Eddie truly loves you.

A/N: this one was a message request on tiktok, enjoy!!
also THANK YOU for 3K reads !! that's so so cool :')

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