Winter Break Pt. 1

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You sit against the headboard of your bed, reading a magazine.

Just another Friday afternoon of not doing anything, at least you were home on winter break from your college.

You hear a slight crash through your front door. "Y/n!! I need some help!!" Your little brother Dustin yells from your front door. 

Afraid that something's wrong, you rush down the stairs to meet him, "Dusty?? Are you okay?!" You say as you reach the bottom, the bitter weather nipping your legs as you try to process.

Standing in front of you was all of the kids from your brothers club, standing there with piles of grocery and sleeping bags.

Your face immediately shifts from panic to irritation as your eyes meet your brothers, he smiles nervously, knowing how badly he just pissed you off.

"Y/n.. how's my favorite sister?" He says with a shaky voice, knowing you're about to rip him a new one. 

"Oh why thank you  for asking Dusty! I was about to have a relaxing weekend, but it was invaded by a bunch of nerds." You ramble on with a hiss.

Dustin sighs, "Look, with the snow storm coming everyone want's to camp here for the weekend to play D&D." Motioning to the heard of boys before you.

"Since mom is away she said they only could if you gave permission, because you're in charge when she's not here. Can they, please?" He pleaded, his eyes wide, his hands laced together to beg you.

You sat there and started thinking, you really wanted a relaxing winter break. This caught you so off guard to have kids that you recognized, and some you didn't, all here at once.

However, it seemed like they were already there to stay, and because of the snow the roads were starting to get bad, you didn't want anyone in danger.

"Y/n.. It's brutal  out here, can they get an answer before they freeze to death?" Dustin grumbles as he's shivering as well.

"...fine." You say in a mutter, the guys cheer and one by one make their way into your house.

The ones you always knew said hello, Lucas, Mike, the usual suspects.

"Dusty, how did you guys get here if school is closed?" You ask as you shut the front door, trying to not let the warm air out, or let the cold air in.

"Oh, uh, about that.." Dustin started before he's cut off by the front door being pushed open, just missing you as it swung open. 

Standing there was Eddie Munson, a kid that was supposed to graduate with you, but didn't. "Henderson, are you trying to kill me out there?" He snaps.

As he swings himself around to close the door, he knocks hard into you, his arms full with grocery bags.

You stumble back, holding your side to try and ease the immediate shooting pain. "Shit. " You groan out, Eddie's eyes darting to your slumped over silhouette.

"Oh fuck, god um, I'm sorry.." Eddie stammers, practically throwing everything aside to Dustin to help you. "Are you okay Y/n? It is y/n, right?"

You just nod as you continue to hold your side, "Good to see you too, Munson." You quipped in a soft voice as your eyes meet his. He stares apologetically, going to your shirt to lift it.

It strikes you as odd as you flinch away from him, "I'm just checking the damage, sweetheart." He speaks in a gruff but gentle voice, so you let him.

You hold your breath as you feel his hands graze over your body, his fingers and rings are frigid on your skin, sending goosebumps.

"Well, it might leave a pretty gnarly bruise, but I think you'll be fine y/n." He says with a small smile, you just nod and tug your shirt down, noticing his face dropping.

"Sorry again, I hope it's okay that I sleep here." He says with a sheepish look. Dustin motions to you to acknowledge his apology, shooting daggers with his eyes. 

You felt like you couldn't speak, the sound of him saying your name echoing in your mind. All you could do was stare at Eddie as he looked at the floor. 

Dustin coughs abruptly to get you out of your trance, when you tune back in you start to stammer as Eddie did. "Don't worry about it Munson, you're still granted passage." You say with a small smile.

His face perks up with a smile like yours as his cheeks flush a slight red. "Please doll.. Eddie's fine." He says softly, you just give him a nod back, feeling electric when he looks at you. 

"Uh okay, now can we set up base?" Dustin interjects the moment, his arms full of Eddie's grocery bags.

"Yes.. yes let's do that." You say, slightly embarrassed that you're checking out your brother's friend. You scoop up some bags, lessening Dustin's struggle and begin to stroll into the kitchen where the guys are setting up D&D.

After close inspection, the bags are filled with all junk food and soda. Chips, Hershey's chocolate, Mountain Dew, anything teenage boys could think of. You call to Dustin from the kitchen, he joins you at your side from the living room.

"Dustin, how about you boys eat actual food?" You say with an entertained smile. "Hey, none of us know how to cook, we had to improvise.." He defends as you laugh, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I mean, even though theres like, what? ten of you? I can still cook dinner for you guys, but you owe me big time." You propose to your brother.

He smiles and walks to the other end of the kitchen. Grabbing another grocery bag and setting it in front of you. "There's mac n cheese in here, can you please make it? pleaseeee? " Your brother begs.

You huff jokingly, pulling him in for a hug, "Of course Dusty, I'll make you nerds dinner." You say as he embraces you. "You're the best Y/n.." He mutters into your shoulder. All you can do is giggle, rubbing his back.

"Okay, now go play alright?" You say to Dustin as he runs to the living room to join the rest.

"Wow, you're great with him.." a deep voice says from behind you. It startles you as you turn and see Eddie. "Sorry.. Didn't mean to scare you.. You okay?" He asks, feeling bad for bruising and then scaring you.

"Yeah, yeah I'm all good Munson. Shouldn't you be prepping for your guys' game?" You ask as you turn your attention back to the boxes of noodles. "It's called a campaign, actually. Besides that it won't start for a little while so.." Eddie slowly approaches next to you. "Can I help?" He says with a smile.

You smile back at him, trying not to but his presence made you weak at the knees. He smelled like cigarettes and cologne, the fragrance ever present the closer he was to you. 

You nod, "Sure, while I heat up the water, your job is to not lose these." You tease as you hand him the boxes. He looks at you with a dropped face as you laugh.

"Very funny doll.." He mutters as he watches you start to prep dinner, keeping the smug smile on your face.

To Be Continued..


Another one with multiple parts whaaaat?

Stay tuned :)))


- Cas

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