New Girl

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It was your first day at Hawkins High School. You scanned the halls nervously, playing with the straps of your backpack. 

There were so many thoughts you couldn't hear yourself think, until your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Y/n! There you are." Dustin called out from behind you. 

You turned and walked to him anxiously. "Where have you been?" You hiss, he looks at you, almost offended by your tone. 

"Look, you might have driven to school but I still have to take the bus, blame it on public transportation, not your little cousin. Got it?" He replies as he puts a hand on your back.

You nod and apologize. "You're going to be fine, I know it's been scary moving here, but I promise you have nothing to worry about." He smiles at you. 

"Aw baby cousin, the pearls are lookin really nice." You say to make him smile again. 

You were still nervous so you didn't want Dustin to worry, so you put on a smile.

Until the bell rings and immediately the halls are flooded with bodies. 

You stand there, frozen in fear. 

"Come on y/n, there's no need for this nervous nelly shit. We'll get your schedule and i'll show you where to go." You nod as you follow Dustin into the guidance office. 

In there you're given your schedule, first class was english. 

"Okay! Hey that's like your best subject, you writer, you." Dustin exclaims as he nudges you. 

You nod and start walking the halls, people turning their heads to watch you pass by.

You reach the classroom and stare at the wooden door, your heart was in your throat. 

"I don't think I can do this.." You say, Dustin pulls you aside, putting his hands on your shoulders to give you a pep talk. 

"Just go in, you're gonna kill it, Y/n Henderson." 

You sigh, shooting a smile and giving Dustin a hug. "Thanks Dusty." He tips his hat to you, as he walks away. "I'll see you at lunch!" He calls out from behind you. 

You cautiously open the door, the room falls silent and all heads turn to you. 

Your teacher smiles at you. "Everyone, this is our new student, she is from New York. This is Y/n Henderson." He says cheerfully, you give them a small wave but the class looks at you with blank expressions. 

"Uh, alright. It's not your fault dear, it's just early." The teacher says, still trying to make you feel welcome. 

"Y/n, just take any empty seat, okay?" You nod and gaze around the room, seeing one empty desk in the 6th row. 

You set your bag down next to you and attempt to listen to the teacher. 

You hear a name of a character that sounds familiar but your train of thought it cut off by a voice that isn't yours.

"So you're a Henderson, eh?" You hear to your left, against the wall in the last desk. 

A curly brown haircut asks from behind a magazine. "Y..Yeah, my younger cousin goes here, do you know him? Dustin?"

He shoots the magazine down in a hurry and meets your eyes. "I should've known by the hair." 

He says with a smug smile. You smile back and nod, not really sure about what to say next. 

It goes silent between the two of you, so you decide to turn your attention back to the teacher.

"I'm Eddie, by the way." You hear him say again, you turn back to him and it seemed like he never looked away from you. 

"Hi Eddie, I'm y/n." You say with a small smile. 

"Yeah, I uh.." He motions to the teacher. "..I heard." Letting out a small laugh. 

You turn away and mentally start beating yourself up, he was the one person interested to speak with you and you embarrassed yourself. 

"I am, uh, really close with your cousin though. He hangs out with me and my buddies. Him and his friends, like our little brothers." You smile at him, "Really?" asking curiously.

"Oh sure, D&D, the nerdy stuff, the whole lot. You know this one time he-". 

He's cut off by the teacher slamming a book down on his desk, startling the both of you. 

"Making friends, are we Mr. Munson?" He sternly asks as your face turns bright red. 

The class fell silent, all eyes were on you, and Eddie.

"Now since this is your second, maybe third time taking this class i'm inclined to ask you this question." 

The teacher slides the book over to him. Peeking over you see it's 'Catcher In The Rye'.

You let yourself half smile, you've read this book hundreds of times, that's why it was familiar. 

Tuning back in you hear the teacher scolding Eddie. "..I asked you a question, why is Holden an outcast?" Eddie stares blankly at the teacher, scared of being suspended or failing. 

"It's uh, um.." He starts to stutter, you start to feel bad for him. 

"It's on purpose. He's an outcast on purpose." You blurt out. The teacher turns to you, slightly shocked. 

"Wh..What was that, Ms. Henderson?" All the attention turns to you, you start to stammer nervously. 

You look up at Eddie, and he just gives you a nod.

"He was an outcast on purpose. A form of.. protecting himself." You continue, "In a world where everything a..and everyone is seen as phony or staged, Holden does things to keep himself different or unique. To keep from growing up." 

Eddie smiles at you as your fellow classmates start to whisper.

"When you grow up, you're forced into a box of what the world wants you to be. Holden doesn't want to be in the box. Holden wants to be Holden." You finish talking, your mouth is dry from anxiety. 

You can't bare to look up, knowing everyone is looking at you.

The teacher smiles at you. "Well, I'm impressed Ms. Henderson. Have you read Catcher In The Rye before?" 

You shrug with a small nod. "Only a few times, uh.." You smile at the curly haired boy next to you. 

"E..Eddie was catching me up about the things I forgot." The teacher looks back at Eddie, he's smiling wide and points to his head proudly. 

"Well, alright then. I see you two will work nicely together." The teacher says as he picks up the book from Eddie's desk, turning the attention to you. 

"Maybe you'll actually get this one to pass. He can finally graduate." 

The teacher walks off to continue teaching, you put your elbows on your desk and bury your face in your hands. 

What the hell  just happened?

You hear scribbling next to you, and then a piece of paper slides onto your desk. 

You remove your hands and see a note written on wrinkled lined paper, it read:

"I owe you one beautiful.. 



You look up at Eddie as he's facing the teacher, he gives you a side smile, winking at you.

You smiled and nodded as butterflies swarmed your body.

Maybe you would  like it here at Hawkins High.


A/N: Okay I understand not everyone has read Catcher In The Rye, but honestly you really should. The character of Holden really does remind me of Eddie. :') Thanks for reading, making this #8 on #netflixoriginal? WOW! Again, thank y'all for reading! xx -cas

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