Breaking Point

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A/N: This one is super SUPER angsty, please read with care :)




It's been four months since the battle of Hawkins, since you found out Eddie had survived. You were so relieved to be in his arms again, crying into his chest when you hugged him for the first time since you thought he had died. You both wanted a fresh start, so after his name was cleared you moved away together, getting your own one bedroom apartment as you worked at a diner, and Eddie as a mechanic.

You knew everything was traumatic for him, and to most people it seemed like the scars were only physical. But you knew him better than that, you've known Eddie most of your life. You both fell in love over time of knowing each other, being best friends until it was more than that. You noticed the way he stuck out his tongue when he was focusing, how he's always sketching his next tattoo design, and how his lips mouth the rhythm to any song he plays on guitar.

But he didn't do any of that anymore, he didn't really do much of anything anymore. It was always wake up, kiss you goodbye, go to work, come home, kiss you goodnight and sleep. Day in and day out, he wasn't the spontaneous and fun guy you knew. He didn't touch D&D, music became uninteresting to him, as did most things. He was different, forever changed by the horrors of the upside down.

You were both driving to a dinner that you had planned, something to maybe reignite the flame that seemed lost, but you never gave up hope. Eddie offered to drive, which made you think he was getting better. But the car was silent, every time you would try to do anything, he had something to say about it. You noticed a song you both loved start to play on the radio, thinking it would flood back some good memories, you reached for the volume and turned it up.

Not even a second later, Eddie turned it back down, until the song was unheard. You looked at him but he was still facing forward, his knuckles white from his grip on the steering wheel.

"Eddie, why'd you turn it off?" You ask as your eyes stay fixed.

"Not in the mood.." He huffs impatiently.

"But, you love that song, it's our song and-"

"Well I DON'T want to listen right now okay? Can I please have a few minutes to think?!" He snapped, but so did your heart.

You turned your head forward, watching the cars pass by as you kept your tears at bay. Everything in you was screaming at you to say something but with words, there came none. You sat there, in deafening and painful silence as you continued to drive through the small town you had moved to.

"Eddie.." You break the silence, much to his dismay. "Are we ever going to talk about this..?" You finally got out, Eddie's face dropped from frustration, to emotionless. "There's nothing to talk about, y/n." He said flatly. "But there is Eddie! You've been back for four months, but this isn't you, and I want to help." Concern and heartache lace your voice. "Well have you ever thought that if I wanted to talk to you about it, I would've done it already?" He replied back, venom spewing in every word.

In that moment, you know you were never going to get him back, you had tried everything, but you felt helpless.

"Stop the car." You said plainly.


"I said stop the car !" You shout as Eddie pulled over, urgently hitting the brakes.

Without sparing a second you got out, slamming the door behind you. Eddie parked the van and got out. "Where the hell are you going?!" He yelled as you walked. You were at your breaking point, you turned to face him as he stood beside the van. "I'm going home Eddie, I'm done." You say back, you feel your heart shattering as you spoke. "What do you mean you're done?" Eddie replied, feeling his chest do the same.

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