Through The Window

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You sit on your bed, your nose deep in a book. As you flip through the tattered pages of your novel there's a tap at your window.

It startles you, but you shrug it off as the tree outside your window. 'a branch must've tapped it or something.' You thought to yourself as you continued to read. Just then, another tap.

Then another.

Then another.

You hop up from your bed and open the curtains, your eyes adjust to the darkness outside. Suddenly there was movement in the tree, you open your window and see Eddie, barely hanging on.

"Edd-!" You look at your clock and observe the time, 11:18pm. "Eddie, what are you doing?" You whisper loudly to him.

He sits there as he desperately tries to keep his balance, in one hand a bunch of acorns, and the other on the giant branch that led to your window. "Oh.. ya know.. just hanging out." Eddie whispers back sarcastically.

You roll your eyes and open your window wider. "Drop the acorns, Eddie, you're not getting those all over my room." You demand and so he does. You reach out your hand to help him when all of a sudden there's a knock at your door.

"Y/n? It's Dustin, are you asleep?" You little brother calls to you from the other side of your door. In a panic you motion to Eddie for him to stay put as you close your curtain.

You try to speak calmly, "I'm up Dusty, you can come in." You say softly as his curly brown hair and blue eyes meet your smile.

"I really need to talk, you have a sec?" He asks from the crack of the door. You stand in front of the window, trying to act as casual as possible. "Sure little bro, spill." You motion to your bed, inviting him to sit.

"Suzie and I's relationship has been.. kinda difficult.." He sighs as he plops himself on your bed. You position yourself next to him, putting a comforting hand on his back as he talks.

"She's the best girlfriend but it's difficult with her mormon family. They won't let her on her computer and radio because of school." He rambles. As he talks he shivers from the open window, you try and keep your cool.

"Can you let Eddie in so we can close the window?" He said plainly as your eyes widen.

"How? How did you?" You start to stutter out excuses. "Don't worry, I've seen him do it a bunch of times, whenever mom asks I just say it's me and the radio and she doesn't think anything of it." He explains as he gets up.

Strolling over and opening the curtains, Eddie's there with a smile as Dustin offers a hand to let him in. "As always, thank you Dustin." Eddie chimes as he lands on his feet, they both shake off the freezing breeze in sync.

Dustin nods, clearly still feeling heartsick, Eddie sighed and sat with Dustin on your bed. You let them talk as you clear your window, closing the glass and curtains as they spoke.

"Look Henderson, do you love Suzie?" Eddie asked plainly. Dustin slouched a bit, "I think I do.." He said in a somber tone.

"Well then, when it comes to love.." Eddie started as he stood up, walking over and hugging you from behind, leaving gentle kisses on your shoulder. "..there's risk, heart, and above all.." He spun you to face him as he runs a hand through your hair. 

"..Patience." He finishes as he lands a kiss on your forehead. His eyes fixate over to Dustin, he nods as he stands up. "I guess.. I'm going to see if she's on our channel, goodnight." He says flatly as he gets up to walk out.

You grab Dustin's hand before he could walk out, pulling him into a hug. "I love you Dusty, let us know how it goes." You coo as he hugs you back. "I will.. I love you too." He murmurs, knowing a hug was exactly what he needed.

You hear footsteps as Eddie wraps himself around you both, deepening the hug. "Goodnight, kid." Eddie says as Dustin gives him a soft smile.

"Night." Dustin replies, his pearly smile meeting yours as you kiss his head. "Night Dusty.." You speak softly and sent him on his way.

You closed the door after Dustin crept out and locked it behind you, your gaze fixing back to Eddie's. "I can't believe Dustin knew this whole time." You muttered. "I hope he hasn't heard.. ya know.. us.." Your voice trails off as you feel embarrassed. Eddie lets out a low chuckle as he starts to take off his layers.

"I'm sure he's fine, he'll have to learn what happens at some point." He lectures as he takes his shirt off. Your eyes cant help but track his silhouette, the tattoo's, the toned body, his crazy frizzy hair.

"Like what you see over there?" He asks, interrupting your train of thought. He laughs when he sees your face get red, climbing into your bed in just his boxers. "Care to join, m'lady?" He asks as he pats the empty side of the bed.

You carefully crawl over to your side, turning off your lamp as you get adjusted. "Thank you, for helping me with Dustin, I'm glad he has a man to talk to about this stuff.." You praise as you lay your head on his chest.

He wraps his arms around you, smiling as he kisses your head, "I love the kid.. I'll always be happy to help sweetheart." He purrs as he rubs the small of your back. "I love you Eds, goodnight." You mutter as you're relaxed by the sound of Eddie's heartbeat.

"Goodnight sweetheart, I love you more." He gives you one more gentle kiss as you both drift off the sleep.


A/N: Thank y'all some much for reading, I'm more than glad that you're all enjoying these!


-Cas <3

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