Play Along Pt. 3

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A/N: This is the last part of this one shot, please enjoy!!


When you arrived at The Hideout, you unbuckled and got out of the van yourself before he even turned it off. Standing outside was the rest of Eddie's band, waiting for your guys' arrival. You wait impatiently as Eddie grabs his guitar and amp from the back of the van, you walk over to the guys by his side. "Finally! You love birds done fucking so we can go on?" Gareth huffs as he twirls his drum sticks, you roll your eyes, shooting daggers into the side of Eddie's face. "Everything else is set up, we just needed our front man." Jeff says with a smile as they all make their way in.

You follow in behind everyone, the dive bar was booming for a Tuesday night. You looked around nervously, you've never been to a place like this before, but it seemed like you fit right in. You made your way to the bar and ordered a beer, the bartender happily slides one to you. Standing against the wooden table you watch closely as Eddie sets up. Suddenly, at the front of the stage, a girl is standing there, eagerly trying to catch his attention. "Eddie! I'm glad you showed.." She purrs as she reaches out for him.

He seemed standoffish, giving her a small hello as his eyes gazed across the room for you. Once your eyes met, you took a long sip of your beer, desperately wanting him to look away so your tears could continue to be held back. When the set starts, their performance is immediately captivating. Eddie effortlessly plays as his fingers glide up and down the frets and strings as he sings into the mic. You constantly catch yourself admiring him, you were mad at him without a doubt, but there was just something about him in his element that made it impossible to look away. As you watched from afar, you realized how bad this girl had it for Eddie, she was dancing in front of everyone, smiling and cheering. You wanted that to be you so badly, but instead you sat and drank.

After taking another sip, you notice a figure approaching you. Beside you was a tall, toned man with shaggy blonde hair. His pins shining in the light as he turns to face you, "Hey, you seem new." He says in a friendly manner, causing you to shoot him a small smile, "Uh, yeah, first time here actually." You reply as you stare at your nearly emptied drink. "Well, I must say you look beautiful, I'm Ryan." The man says, reaching out his hand, you take it, shaking it firmly, "Y/n, nice to meet you." You say as he reaches your hand up to his mouth, kissing it gently. "The pleasure is all mine, I promise." He coos, causing a blush to come across your face.

From the stage, Eddie is watching this all happen, and he feels his blood start to boil as he plays. After a while, you and Ryan start talking a lot, keeping good conversation. "So, you know the band performing?" He asks as he takes a sip of his beer, you nod. "Yeah.." You say hesitantly, "I go to school with them, they're pretty good people." Your voice trails off as your eyes meet Eddie's from across the room, but his face was stern, almost furious.

'Was he jealous?'  You thought to yourself, spacing out as his gaze never breaks from you. Even when the song ends and the room is filled with deafening applause, he looks at you as he steps away from the mic. Letting out a sigh, fighting the urge to put this guy six feet under. 'The show must go on..'  He thinks to himself as he starts strumming the chords to a new song. You look away quickly, when you look back at the bar, your empty beer was replaced with a new one. "My treat gorgeous, please." Ryan says with a kind smile, you smile back, taking a sip happily.

Eddie was really starting to regret the car conversation. He openly said that you guys weren't together, but the sight of you with another man drove him insane, guilt covered his face as he sang. He spaced out as he was playing, accidentally hitting his guitar, causing feedback to fill the room. You flinched at the abrupt noise, covering your ears until the noise was gone. When you looked up Ryan was still smiling, letting out a small chuckle, so you did as well.

As the set begins to come to an end, you kept talking to Ryan. He was really cute, funny too. He seemed genuinely interested in you, but every time your attention wasn't on him it was on Eddie. "You guys have been amazing, we are Corroded Coffin, we'll see you next week!" Eddie exclaims as the crowd cheers. The fangirl Eddie was seeing was cheering the loudest, her cheers piercing through the crowd as they walk off the stage. You huffed as you see Eddie making his way to the bar, grabbing a drink for himself.

You finished your second beer, Ryan holds his hand up to the bartender to get you another. "Ryan, it's okay.. I probably shouldn't." You say as you stare at your empty pint glass. "Oh come on y/n.. live a little.." He says with a pushy voice, inching his way towards you. You start to back up a little, feeling your back hit another body as you do. "She said she doesn't want another." Eddie's gruff voice barks over the loud music playing. You look up at him, his free hand immediately making contact with your hip. "Look man, it's her first time here, I'm just loosening her up a little." Ryan says with a smirk, Eddie's grip tightens on you as he pulls you closer to him. "She said no, so how about you just get out of here." He hisses, Ryan stares at him dumbfounded.

"Y/n, can I talk to you?" Eddie says shakily, you knew that it was either you talked to him or he swings on the guy right here. You let out a sigh, motioning for the door, Ryan stares in dismay as you walk outside with Eddie. The cold breeze of the night hitting your exposed legs, you hiss to yourself as goosebumps filled your body. Once you're outside, you leaned against the wall as Eddie follows.

"Who was that?" Eddie asks, getting straight to the point. You roll your eyes, crossing your arms as you stare at the ground. "Ryan, he just bought me a drink." You reply flatly, sensing the frustration in Eddie's words. "Yeah? What a guy, you know you should just go home with him." He snaps, you stared at him in disbelief. "What is your problem? I thought you wanted little miss banshee who wouldn't stop yelling your name from the front!" You raise your voice in defense . "Well I don't want her! I never did! " He yells, causing you to flinch. Eddie notices your reaction, taking a minute to cool down.

He reaches into his pocket, grabbing a cigarette, offering you one from the pack. You take it hesitantly, taking a lighter out of your bra and igniting the cigarette yourself. He stares at you as you lean your head back, blowing out the smoke. "Look y/n.. I know I said that something could happen, but I didn't realize how much that hurt you. I how much I hated seeing you with another guy." he says, lighting up his cig, "I'm sorry." His voice sounding softer, more sincere than before. Your eyes grew softer, giving a small shrug, "It's okay Eddie.. I honestly had no interest in that pretty boy, but I got a free beer." You chime, causing him to laugh as you took another drag.

"So.. that was to make me jealous?" Eddie asks as he does so as well, you let out another small laugh. "That depends, did it work?" You say with a smile, he returns it, inching closer to you. "Yes, it did." He admits, his face painfully close to yours. You smile, "It make you jealous, Munson?" You repeat before your lips connect with his.

For the first time, the kiss felt real. It felt genuine. As you pulled away, Eddie's smile stays plastered as your eyes meet his deep brown. "Y/n.. If you hate me I get it.. but this past month, it hasn't felt fake.." Eddie confesses, you pull him in for one more kiss. "It hasn't to me too.. I was just scared.." You reply against his lips, he drops his cigarette to wrap his arms around your waist. "Then.. can we make it real?" He asks shyly, you give him a nod.

"'Bout damn time you asked.." You chime as he smiles down at you. "Then c'mon, the guys must be waiting in the green room." He says as he takes you by the hand, leading you back inside.


A/N: This one was really really fun to write, if you want more like this, let me know!!


- Cas <3

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