In Life, and Death

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A/N: Per request, this is a one shot about Eddie's death :')

This one has spoilers from S4 Vol. 2 of Stranger Things! Please read with care <3 -Cas


You sit with your face in your hands, crying on the cot next to Wayne.

"I wish everyone had gotten to know him.." Dustin choked. "Really know him.. because they would've loved him.." He paused. "Like y/n and I did." 

You sat in silence as the trauma plays back in your head.


"I didn't run away this time right?"

"I think it's finally my year.."

You think back to the tears in his eyes as you and Dustin held him.


"He was a hero.. He was my hero." You croaked to the two men sitting before you. 

Brushing the hair out of your face, the left over strands sticking to the leftover river of fallen tears on your cheeks.


"I love you y/n.. take care of the sheep for me okay?"

You saw him take his last breath.

The frame of the blood pouring from his body scarring you.


Wayne stands up, kneeling in front of you, tears streaming down his aged wrinkled face.

"It's okay girly." He pulled you into a tight embrace. You held onto Eddie's uncle, sobbing in his shoulder. "He died loving you more than anything in this world." Dustin cooed as he sat next to you.

The memories flushed back to you.


"Eddie? Eddie what are you doing?"  You and Dustin called to him from the other side of the gate.

You saw him move the mattress, you watched him cut the line.

Eddie sacrificed himself for the two people he couldn't live without.

Standing there and begging Eddie to come to the gate, to go home.

When you saw him run off you and Dustin just sat there, helpless,





In an instant you were back to the crowded gym of what was  your high school, Dustin and Wayne on either side of you.

The tears kept flooding, you felt like you could drown. "I just.. I.."

Dustin pulled you in. "I know.." He cut you off as he held you.


You're brought back to the memories of the upside down, helping Dustin walk as you urgently look for Eddie.

Once you found him, Dustin held him on one side as you tried to lift him to get help from the other side.

"Please Eddie.. No.." You sobbed, you knew he wasn't going to get up.

"It's.. okay.. sweetheart.." Eddie weakly muttered to you.


Dustin and Wayne were beginning to grow more concerned as you slipped in and out of your trance.

Wayne put his hand on your leg. "Y/n.. Eddie, he, well.." He hesitated, shifting in his pocket, as he looked at you and pulled out a ring.

It was a small silver ring, a diamond resting in the middle. He placed it gently in your shaking hand.

"He wanted me to keep this with me, at all times. Eddie.. wanted to give you this at graduation, he was going to propose with this."  He weakly smiles, "That boy loved you more than anything, in life.. and death." 

He chokes as he comes to terms with the death of his nephew, who was really more like a son.

The only family he ever really had. Your gaze on the ring gets blurry as more tears fill your eyes.


You think about every memory with Eddie.

The first time you met him, he was looking for a tutor for classes he had to retake.

Your first kiss at skull rock, you both were so nervous, but when his lips locked with yours, the world felt correct.

Getting secret matching tattoos.

Sharing cigarettes during lunch at the picnic table.

Taking him to all his gigs when his van broke down, or when you just wanted to see him in his prime.

The feeling of his arms around you, his lips gently pressing against your cheek.

Introducing you to the Hellfire Club, finally finding a family of your own.


You snapped out of your daze once more and returned a weak smile to Wayne. 

Carefully sliding the ring on your left ring finger. "I am forever his.. in life.." You stutter out.

"..and in death.." You say as the two men wrap their arms around you.

"Please.. come back Eddie.." You cry out in a cracking voice. You beg and plead, all while knowing your prayers won't be answered.


"It's.. okay.. sweetheart.."

"I love you y/n.." 

His words, voice, and laugh echoing in your ears.


A/N: Respectfully SOBBED while writing this. Again, spoiler warning! Thank you for reading. :') xx -Cas

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