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we walked over to michael's room together.

"she broke her wrist." calum spoke as soon as he entered the room.

"now why in the hell didn't you tell me earlier? this could be bad because i don't want your bone to heal incorrectly if it's actually broken." michael stressed as he walked over.

"what's going on?" ashton asked as he entered the room.

"pretty girl here broke her wrist. i'm going to take her into the hospital. can you both stay here with barbra?" michael asked.

"can i go?" calum asked.

"why?" michael replied.

calum sighed and looked at me, "i know you hate sh- "absolutely not. fuck that. no." i replied as i walked away from him.

"not an option. we need to get you caught up love."
calum chuckled as he grabbed the car keys.

"i'll stay with barbra. you guys go ahead." ashton smiled softly as he left the room.

michael, calum and i headed down to the hospital. we ended up running into luke who looked absolutely beat.

"what are you guys going here?" he spoke tiredly.

"your princess broke her arm." michael spoke as he guided me to his office.

"shit." luke muttered as he followed behind us.

"okay, so i'm just going to take an x-ray and see how broken we are talking and then most likely set it in a cast for 5-7 weeks." michael spoke as he placed a heavy jacket on top of me.

all of the boys exited the room as a flash went off.

luke came in immediately after and helped me take the jacket off before going back to michael and calum.

"it's a minor break. no need for surgery. you will need a cast for about 3-5 weeks though." michael spoke as he went to go collect the material to construct the cast.

"so i was looking at your chart. i'll only give you 4 of the 8 shots you're missing then we can do the rest when the cast comes off." calum spoke quickly.

"hell no." i replied firmly.

"indigo don't be stubborn. you need to get vaccinated." luke stressed as he sat down next to me.

i sighed in defeat as i slumped down. i knew i wasn't going to get out of this.

michael began to put the cast on while calum went to grab the shots.

michael finished and then began to clean up.

"hey luke, hide her face so she doesn't look at them." calum instructed from outside of the room.

luke gently guided my face into his chest so that i didn't have to look at the needles.

i felt tears enter my eyes as i looked up at luke.

"i'm scared." i mumbled as tears began to roll down my face.

"no tears baby." luke whispered as he wiped them away.

"it's a tiny pinch." calum added as he wiped my arm with a wipe.

"i want you to count backwards from 3." calum spoke.

"3, 2, 1." i spoke as i squeezed my eyes shut expecting a pain in my arm.

"did you do it?" i spoke.

"yep." calum replied as he slapped his gloves off.

"h- "you were so busy counting you didn't even notice." he chuckled as he threw the empty shots away.

i jumped down from the bed and felt some what relieved that the next round of shots most likely wouldn't hurt.

"what do you all think about getting out of here?" luke mumbled as he stretched.

"i couldn't agree more." i replied as i wrapped my arm around his arm.

we headed back to the car together and drove home.

"oh yeah, here's sierra's number. crystal gave it to me to give to you." michael smirked as he handed luke a tiny piece of paper.

"i'll text her." luke smiled back softly.

i was happy he was happy.

we arrived home and i went upstairs and changed into pajamas and laid in bed.

mom was leaving tomorrow.

hopefully everything will go smoothly.

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