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"what do you mean your mom's missing." luke spoke slowly.

"i mean, she fucking disappeared. i went looking for her because she disappeared." i spoke with a slight eye roll.

"how the fuck does someone just disappear?" michael spoke quickly.

"i don't know, but i'm going to go looking for her. you can come if you want." i shrugged as i walked away.

luke quickly grabbed my arm.

"not so fast. ashton, michael, calum and crystal. how about you guys head back and make sure she doesn't show up at the house." luke started to say before his pager went off.

"shit." he muttered as he looked down.

"it's okay. i can walk around with her." sierra offered with a tiny smile.

"i can too. we can have like a girls night." crystal suggested.

"i don't know about that. you saw that creep." michael spoke looking quite uneasy.

"michael. i know how to fight, and even if i didn't, i know how to scream." crystal laughed softly.

michael finally reluctantly gave in after a couple minutes.

"you call me immediately if anything happens." michael spoke sternly as he walked away with the rest of the boys.

"so, where to first?" i asked softly.

"um, i think we should just start walking." sierra suggested as she led the way.

we walked around for a couple minutes until i saw mom on the side of the street looking completely wasted.

i walked up to her slowly and sat down next to her.

"mom." i whispered as i gently touched her hand.

she immediately flipped out and flung me off causing me to hit the ground.

"fuck, i'm sorry baby." mom slurred as she stumbled up.

"it's okay." i spoke quickly as i stood up.

my wrist was throbbing. i think i broke it.

crystal and sierra stood behind me not saying a word. why would they? it wasn't their business.

"can you go call michael and tell him to come pick us up." i asked crystal quietly.

she nodded and walked away with her phone.

"why did you do this?" i asked keeping a distance from mom so that i wouldn't end up with another broken bone.

"i can't do this indigo. i can't measure up to your father even if i wanted too." mom slurred as she shrugged her shoulders.

"that's a lie and you know it. i wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you." i spoke firmly.

mom sat quietly for a moment before responding, "i wish we never came here. your father wouldn't have poisoned your mind."

"he didn't. i'm perfectly fine and happy." i spoke softly.

"w-well why am i not good enough for you indigo? why do you want to stay with him?" mom spoke with tears running down her face.

i saw sierra quickly walk away and leave mom and i alone.

"i just want to get to know him. i want to stay here maybe for a couple months then i'll come back and be with you." i replied.

"if that's what you want." mom spoke as she wiped her eyes.

i felt terrible.

michael came pulling up with calum and helped mom into the car.

"hey babe, i'm going to head back with sierra, maybe we can get together again sometime soon?" crystal suggested with a tiny smile.

"yeah of course." michael smiled back as he bent down to kiss her.

"i'm sorry about today." i spoke softly.

"don't be." sierra replied as she rubbed my arm gently.

sierra began to walk back to the car when crystal turned around and handed michael a tiny piece of paper.

"give this to luke. it's her number." she whispered before kissing him and walking away.

i hopped into the backseat with mom and we rode home in complete silence.

michael and calum helped mom inside while i walked up to my room.

i went to go change my dress and hissed in pain. i forgot about my wrist.

"you okay?" a voice asked from behind me.

it was calum's.

"perfectly fine." i spoke as i twirled around.

"why are you clutching your arm?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

i looked down and saw that i was in fact clutching my arm.

"i hurt it a bit when i first saw my mom. no worries." i chuckled as i let go of my arm just to hold it again.

"look, lie all you want, but the color and size of your wrist tells a different story. come on, we're going to find michael."

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