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Nicolas the Reneged falls in a thunderous heap, his body explodes into a billion colorful pixels. CONGRATULATIONS! Pops up in big letters in front of my face, along with a new item.

"Still alive..." I sigh.

I check the item, and the rumors was true. A revival item but my heart sinks at the description.

I leave the arena where the boss was and see Grovers and his group sitting in the snow breathing hard. Weapons scattered around them, from fallen enemies.

I walk up to him. "Percy!" he perks up. I toss him the revival item.

"There... that's the revival item." I say.

He opens it's description, "Must administer to affected player...within 10 seconds of death!" he says shocked.

"If someone dies in front of you someday, make sure you use it." I say as I turn to walk away.

Grover grabs the back of my coat, "Percy...listen, stay alive you hear! I don't care how you do it, stay alive to the end!" he starts to cry.

"See you." I say continuing to walk off.

Back in my room at he inn, I'm sitting at the desk in the corner in the dark with my head on the desk. A chime sounds with a new message notification. The icon floats in front of my face and I press it. Gift Box, From Rachel.

"Rachel?" I say softly. I open it and a voice message crystal forms floating to my hand, I tap it and it starts to play.

"Merry Christmas Percy." Her voice seems to fill the room. "By the time you hear this, I'll probably be dead. How can I explain this.... I never wanted to leave the Town of new beginning And I knew if I fought with that type of attitude, I'd end up dying sooner or later. That's no ones fault, just something I have to deal with...Percy, ever since that night you found me, you kept telling me I wasn't going to die, no matter what. But what if I got killed anyway? I knew if I died, you would blame yourself. That's why I decided to record this for you... By the way, I know how powerful you really are, sorry...I sort of peeked when you weren't looking. I wondered why you weren't telling the truth about what level you were, I wondered why you decided to fight with us... I never found out though. Heh, you know what... when I found out how strong you were...I don't know but it made me so happy! I felt relived. So... even if I die promise you will go on living, ok? Stay alive, to the end, and find out why this world was created, why a weakling like me ended up here. Find out the reason you and I met, please. That's what I wish... Looks like I still have time so, seeing how it's Christmas and everything, I'll sing you a song." She starts to hum Rudolph the red nose reindeer, the tears seem to fall strait from my face and onto the desk as she sings. "Anyway Percy, I'm so glad I met you and that I can be with you, even for a little while."

"Thank you, goodbye." As she says it, her face flashes into my head when she was falling. Those where the last words she said.

The crystal shimmers and plops onto the desk, I sit there shaking and crying.

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