"DIDN'T YOU NOTICE! KIM MINJI'S PHEROMONES!..... THEY'RE UNSTABLE!!!" Hanni furiously yells at Haerin, so that she can help Minji as soon as possible.

"You just have to step back! Didn't you say you wanted to end this relationship once and for all?" Haerin in turn angrily shouts at Hanni, still having some sympathy for her cousin to be hurt by Hanni, even though she was her rival.

"BUT KIM MINJI IS SUFFERING!" The persistent Hanni again anxiously shouts at the other.

Feeling rather annoyed, she fixes her hair , which she always did when she's tired or frustrated, "Haah! If you go in there, what are you going to do?...
Anyway, if you become a beta, Minji will be like this for a while." Haerin hatefully spits out on Hanni, making her silent as a rock.

She then continues, "Or did you think that it would be easy to mark another Omega as long as it's not you?? Don't tell me you didn't expect a situation like this?" Haerin continues her hateful insults to Hanni.

Danielle quickly steps up to defend her friend, "Hey! You don't have to say it that way."

Hanni couldn't even move an inch, she clearly knows that she's in no position to deny Haerin's statement either. Guilt and horror was all she could feel at this moment. And yes, Haerin's saying were all true as she hasn't thought anything thoroughly through yet.

Seems like Haerin could understand her thoughts, she sees it clear from her expression, she then folds her hand as she sternly looks at Hanni, "Were you really going to operate without even thinking about it?"

But Hanni was in a state of panic as her head drops low, her visions became blurry.

"ANSWER ME, PHAM HANNI!" Haerin furiously yells at her as a worried Danielle could no nothing except holding the trembling and terrified Hanni.


Meanwhile, inside the room,

Minji hardly bits her lips out of frustration.


Despite how proud you are, you've always been by my side.
I thought it was hard for you to admit it, and that you were given enough time to reciprocate my love. So much so that you would be able to open up your heart to me.


Minji bitterly cries as realization dawned on her that Hanni will never return the love.



Outside the room,

The atmosphere was intense as both parties fiercely stare at each other, trying to break each other's defence walls.

"Sunbae, let's go, i don't think it's a good time to talk." Danielle suggested as she sends sharp glares at the arrogant Haerin.

"Danielle, you said it before, right? That when it comes to loving someone, pheromones and such are not as important as we think they are." Hanni said as she give a serious look at Danielle and then back at Haerin.

"Eh? Yes." Danielle replies.

Yes, I am not the one who is really afraid of being abandoned...

Hanni thought to herself as she tightly clenched her fist, "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY!" She angrily shouts at Haerin who was still guarding the door.

"What?" Haerin looks at her with a face of great hatred and displeasure.

"I'M GOING TO FIX THIS, SO GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Hanni said as her own Omega pheromones spreads out, making Haerin scrunch her nose.

"How will you solve it?" Haerin asks as she mockingly points her finger at her.

Hanni then gazes at Danielle, sending her a signal to distract Haerin.

Danielle who understands her assignment quickly jumps on Haerin and tightly hugs her.

"WHA-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!? LET GO OF ME!" Haerin angrily yells at Danielle who tightens her hug even more.

"Stay still for a moment." Danielle said.

"LET GO OF ME RIGHT NOW!....STOP TOUCHING ME!..." Haerin struggles to break free from Danielle.

Taking this opportunity, Hanni sneaks out her VIP card.

"I'LL BE HERE!" Danielle assures Hanni as she rushes inside the room.

Dragging Haerin to the ground due to their failed balance, "SUNBAE! SEE YOU LATER!... Stop moving so much..." Danielle said as she holds Haerin's head so that she would not hit her head from the fall, and continues to hold her.

"ARE YOU CRAZY! SEE WHERE YOU'RE TOUCHING IDIOT! YAAAAHHHH!!!! " Haerin angrily shouts at her as Danielle has accidentally touched her boobs in the process of their fall.

Upon arriving inside, Hanni was stunned to see that the alpha pheromones were spreading out crazily, mixing together with her omega pheromones, "Ugh!" She then quickly covers her nose, so that she won't be send in a state of frenzy.

Walking farther, she then sees a weak Minji, almost passing out on the cold floor. She quickly runs to her side and tries to wake her up, "Are you okay?"

Minji weakly opens her eyes and instantly pulls Hanni on the hand, "Ah!"

Minji then hovers above Hanni like that of a predator who's about to eat her prey.

"I LOVE YOU!!!" Minji breathes out.

Hanni apologetically looks at Minji's clear brown eyes, seeing so much pain and sufferings.

"PLEASE TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME AS WELL!" Minji cries out as her tears fall on Hanni's cheek.

She then lowers herself, kissing Hanni.



A/n. : Hi earthlings!
Sorry for not updating last night,ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Y'see, I'm too tired becoz these days, I'm workin on some part-time jobs. As i don't want to burden my parents too much on my Christmas expenses(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

Anyways, I'm trying my best to update whenever i have some free time so plzz bear with me.

Hope you enjoy the story, be sure to vote and comment. Luv y'alls 💙

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