Start from the beginning

He was quite...intriguing that I must admit. Certainly, different from any master I had seen.

A master who wasn't afraid to lose his title to a keffer no less.

I shut my eyes trying to retrieve logic. I had to play it safe. I had no idea if he was truly honest despite our seal of friendship.

He said he was committed to the study, nothing else.

I would never know how true his friendship was until he revealed his deepest secret whatever that may be. Something about the peculiarity of his eyes led me to believe he had one. One that was great too.

I let out a loose breath, blinking rapidly in the darkness as if that would calm my pounding heart.

Despite it all, I had made progress and that should be considered.

Whether this friendship was a sham or not was yet to be seen, however, I would not let such an opportunity flee me. I would get all the information from him as I could so Vale and I could escape.

Yes. That was all that mattered.

I needed to know about the maze. The shadows that lurked in them, and about the Night Wolf.

And the Night Wolf's most trusted master, and now my 'friend' was the only way I could get all three.

I turned over to my side staring at the darkness of the cold wall. A cold wind breezed past the open window and I shivered. I missed AMA in this instant.

On chilly nights like these, there would be tea heating on the fire. She would be detangling the hornet's nest I called hair whilst telling us stories of Beta Samuel. Something told me he had been just as kind as her when he had been alive.

I made a silent prayer in her honor. I hoped she was coping well with us gone.

With a lofty sigh, I shut my eyes.

Tomorrow begins the first step in my plan for freedom.


I brushed the dusty shelves with caution noting that this section held some of the most ancient books in the library, books I was assured the other masters would rather I handle with care.

Speaking of masters, I glanced around the illuminated library.

No, I was still alone.

I found it strange I had only met one master. Even though the library was undeniably large, I had thought I would have spotted quite a few by now.

I let out a loose sigh, my gaze shifting to the open window that streamed the sunlight. I would have to get up there again. I had spotted some ink and paper and I'm sure it would be easy to draw the maze.

But not now, I couldn't risk being caught by any of the masters. Not that I had seen any except my 'friend'.

I pursed my lips at the title.

"Friend," I stated, tasting the word. It was still weird to me that I, a keffer slave had a master for a slave.

I clenched my jaw at the thought, hand tightening around my cleaning cloth.


I deserved to say that word without feeling like an imposter. I had risked my very life for it. I would not back down from this. I cracked my neck, letting out a deep breath.

"Friend," I repeated, this time with more urgency and authority.

"Is that what I shall be called now? Is it a title?"

MATED TO THE NIGHT WOLF (MTTNW)Where stories live. Discover now