Chapter 18

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Shannon had to bear with Veronica. That girl was the most tormenting part of the plan.

She spent days slobbering about her kidnapping as if she was any better and the fact that she still seemed oblivion as to how her family has being doing the same to Bearers and naturals for centuries was something Shannon couldn't seem to comprehend.

Veronica followed her everywhere and even in the delivery room she was there. She hated who that little bitch named her children and sang to them but Shannon bid her time. As soon as the triplets are big enough she told herself.

She watched Linda secure her position , a position she and Marvin helped cement by taking out everyone capable of destroying her or any other Tribune.

Her mother was the worst case. She saw her as soon as she arrived. Evelyn confessed everything and leaving her conflicted as to who she hated more , her mother for being what she hates  people who still women's children or her father for making Evelyn so desperate.

Now the Rogers had contact to the smugglers and where increasing embryos to their society. The American Tribune will be the last standing society if possible. As soon as Shannon recovers from the birth she would become Christan's bearer.

The triplets were now out of the ICU and not once was she allowed to hold or feed them. They went to Veronica's quarters and Shannon collapsed on the bed in tears. There was no stopping the Rogers or the Tribune.

Shannon woke up to what sounded  like a bomb that had gone off and sat up to listen and be sure. The siren sounded and a red danger light started flashing .

She smiles and ran to Veronica's quarters . At the nursery she saw Veronica instructing the nanny and her two bodyguards to help get the babies , her babies. She saw them for the first time big and healthy and sleeping. The last time she saw them , they looked suck and transparent.

Shannon immediately looked the door.

' What are you doing?!' Yelled Veronica , ' We have to go now!'

The gunshots were getting louder and sounding nearer and another explosive went off.

' Ma'am , step aside please.' One bodyguard asked.

Shannon didn't move.

' Ma'am?'

' Shoot her ,she's clearly with whoever us doing this!' Yelled Veronica.

' I'm sorry Ma'am, we can't shoot a Bearer , they are important especially one that belongs to your brother.'

' Then carry her or tie her up or something...'

She never finished that sentence. Marvin broke down the door and instantly shot the two bodyguards.

' Shannon get the baby from her and grab his gun.'

She did so and Marvin shot Veronica.

' You go with her and if you try anything , Shannon kill her.' Marvin threatened the nanny. ' There is a safe passage I've created at the east wing , kill whoever is in your way though I doubt they will be since I blew up and killed the entire wing. You will find Simone with a chopper and you go.'

' Where are you going?' Shannon looked agitated.

' Don't worry I'll find you.' Marvin smiled. ' I always find you.'


I made my way to the west wing and found the panic room in the office.

They were in there , the last of the Rogers , Linda and Christian. Today I was busy and I got rid of this entire rotten family. Maybe not the Tribune but them and their obsession with my family. I'm not going without them.

I take out a device before reinforcement shows up. The little black box is an high tech SSI hacking device I used to break into President Lui's safe house before I shot him.
A device that Linda had me use to kill her enemy and now she will die by it . Karma is a bitch.

The door opens and I thrown in a gas bomb rendering the President's guards unconscious and there she was, the bitch and her son , lying on the ground unconscious.

I put two bullets each into their heads.

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