Chapter 12

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After three weeks in hiding at the Vanderbilt five thousand acres estate , listening to James and Louise negotiating with the African, British and Asian Tribune as well as the international Liberators , we finally have enough weaponry and support to break into the Rogers private home.

James connections in SSI have kept us informed about Shannon's whereabouts and the heavy security at the presidential estate. Safe to say it's nothing I can't handle on my own but due to politics and trust issues our foreign allies have sent us each of their best spies, Gordon Phillips , Kelly Appiah and Park Tae-Won to back me up. Good thing Sammy as being charged by Louise to come with , I'm only comfortable in her company especially with Tae-Won constantly eyeing me like a venomous cobra. Then again I assassinated her President and I don't doubt she was sent to make sure after all this is over and done with she is to eliminate me.

Our five hour drive leads us to an affluent residential area which seems located in the center of a forest. It is after midnight and perfect time for an attack . In our black gear we can blend in well and no matter how many times people have being robbed , raped and murdered at nighttime the body is always too tired to be on full alert. You can't help but want to sleep even security let's their guard down and this is the time I work best.

We make our way into the estate on foot and head towards the two guards conversing rather loudly to keep boredom away. I sneak on the one at the right and snap his neck , before his partner could react Tae-Won presses a pressure point on the exposed part of his neck and I watch the guard collapse. I don't know what frightens me more the fact that she literally lifted her finger to kill or that her black eyes looked cold and used to people dying on her that she simply moved to the next thing. I think I understand why Shannon was so freaked out when she saw me take out those agents back at my apartment for the first time.

' Guys,' whispers Sammy,' come and see what I found.'

We follow a few steps to a tent and find a trunk full of hand grenades, grenade launchers , machine guns and daggers. Wow , the overprepared to meet me it's as if they are ready for war , then again my reputation proceeds me.

' I'm taking the launcher.' Sammy calls dibs.

I stealthily make my way to the tree face the back door and wait for the signal. It comes thirty seconds later and right on time. Sammy fires her launcher aiming for the garage. It's a distraction to get the guards on the move trying to find us leaving Shannon less heavily guarded. We chose the garage because it is the only place guaranteed Shannon won't be sleeping in.

I immediately run towards the door shooting the four guards in my way. At my right is Kelly covering me with her machine gun and she throws a hand grenade at the door , blasting it down and blowing up three more guards.

I make into the mansion and I am greeted by two guards , hardly any completion . I throw a deathly blow into one of the guys stomach and break his neck as he doubles up and the other I shoot.

' Marvin!' I hear Shannon's voice upstairs.

I can't see her but I heard the direction it came from. She must have know only I was the one wrecking a havoc. No doubt she was waiting for me.

I rush upstairs throwing one guy down and the other I throw a dagger into his eye. I shoot everyone in my way till I reach the room and literally kick the door down with all the power I have left within me....

Shit. Inside I find myself not only with Shannon and the First Son but ...A-7. It just had to be Silvia.

' Hello , T-23.' She says calmly smiling while playing with a dagger like a creepy killer from a serial killer movie.

' A-7.' I reply, ' Do you mind if I take her with me?' I ask Christian.

' I'm afraid that won't be possible, see she is of humanities best interest.' He replies.

'I thought you might say so.' I'm about to quickly pull my glock on this fool and end him.

Quick on her feet, Silvia throws a dagger at me and I dodge it but her second stabs me In the chest and I hear Shannon scream my name. Before I can react A-7 pounces onto me like lion and one punch comes after the other. I had forgotten what a fierce fighter she is. I knock her off with my all my strength and get on my feet but she keeps coming . I block each punch and kick but she comes to fast. She was always a better fighter but I always won because I am stronger so I lure her into following me into the corner and just as she is about to deliver a power kick , I grab her by the waist and pin her down against the wall. I watch her struggle for a few seconds before I use my head with all my strength to knock her out by heading her face . I hear Christian move and I quickly get one of A-7's daggers and stab him in the shoulder.

I go for my other glock , ' Move and I'll kill you.' I gesture at the door , ' let's Shannon but stay close behind.'

She nods and does as she is told but the poor thing is uncomfortable at my pace. When did she get so big. We make it to the east wing and I shoot to guards coming at us. Thank goodness for floor length windows , you just walk out of them, I mean who needs a door.

' There's Christian's private car collection over there ,' Points Shannon, ' The ones that don't fit in the garage.'

I nod and we take a few steps to the corner and find way too many cars . I shoot the three guards and break into the fast black Ferrari. Shannon steps in and I drive off .

' I got her , move out.' I speak into the earpiece.

I don't have the time to make sure three spies,and a rebel are safe. I like Sammy a lot even more than I anticipated and in the past three weeks we have grown closer but I'm sure even she understands I need to get Shannon to the Vanderbilt estate asap. She is the mission and I always complete missions no matter the consequences but for some reason she feels like more than a mission. She feels like my life. So this is what a mother to your children means , forever tied by blood. I know one thing for sure , I'll kill for her.

' You're hurt.' She says referring to the sticking dagger in my chest. ' Shouldn't you remove it.'

' No it's the only thing that is preventing me from bleeding out.'

' You're losing to much blood . You can't drive.'

' I can.'

I don't remember much but I remember getting dizzy and losing strength and fighting on for an hour until Shannon started yelling that I should pull over because it looked like I was about to black out. I pulled over and the next thing I know I'm in a room belonging to the Vanderbilt estate with my bare chest bandaged . Both Sammy and Shannon are with me and Rodrigo . Vanessa?

' What happened?' I ask.

' You lost a lot of blood, ' Replies Sammy , ' Thank goodness Shannon has enough common sense to take your earpiece and use the car's GPS to communicate with us and give us your location. We were only fifteen minutes away.'

' Vanessa?'

' We found her and the First daughter.'

' You kidnapped the first daughter?'

' it's called leverage,' Corrects Louise, ' And they kidnapped Shannon first , we can use her against the President.'

' The President will never forget this.' Warns Shannon.

' Good .' Replies Tae-Won , ' because we haven't forgotten either.'

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