Chapter 10

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I could twist , turn and bend my mind over  as I stand in the middle of what used to be Shannon's room.

I could have driven faster or ran faster. Perhaps I could pretend to be surprised and aggrieved but deep down I knew from the start it was a trap and I walked right into it leaving her behind exposed and vulnerable . I have no excuse and that is the worst feeling . Never in my life have I ever failed and today I ran into the Cathedral filled with dead bodies including the priest , deacon and nuns . Some  Liberators are dead  but Louise survived so did Rodrigo and I’m standing over an injured Sammy. I can tell she put up a fight but she was never A-7’s match.

' I'm sorry,' She can barely look me in the eye and I squat besides her, ' I tried but they got her.'

I want to tell her it’s alright she did her best but it’s not alright and her best wasn’t enough. I can’t find the words to speak so I nod and place my hand on her shoulder. Truth is this is on me and I regret having saved Sarah, I love her but now it doesn’t feel like she was worth it .

' They took Vanessa ,' She adds , ' When they were dragging her out, V told them to take care and that Shannon was still fragile due to the recent health scare so they took her in order to keep Shannon and the triplets in good health while in transit . At least we know she is safe and they will do anything to keep it that way.'

‘ I’m going to go find her.' I get up abruptly and walk to the door but James stops me with his hand on my chest. ' Move , David.'

' How are you going to get her?' He looks me in the eye. ' You can’t just waltz into the state house.'

' No ,' I look him dead in the eye , ' I’m going to shoot my way in.'

' All very well except they are expecting you to do so. Everyone knows you are a fearless gun with morals or time to look at the bigger picture.'

‘Exactly how you taught me to be .' I roughly remove his hand and continue walking out.

' They played you today because they know how you think!' James yells as he follows me. ' They kidnapped my wife and I , top SSI special agent and it was the Assistant Director who did so. The point is they are not playing by the rules , Shannon means more to them . She just might be the key to end extinction and your children might carry the same genes. It’s not just our Tribune you will be fighting , international Tribunes and plutocrats . Even if you will get her out of there , the others will come after you with legitimate reason of saving a helpless woman from a terrorist. The Anti-war organizations , Anti-terrorist , everyone and not just the SSI . You good but you are human you will only end up getting her killed.'

I stop in my tracks for he is right, ' I can’t do nothing .'

' No one is asking you to,' David walks up to me and places his hand on my shoulder, ' I’m saying we need to be smart about this.'

' We?'

' What you think I’m going to bail on you now after saving Sarah?' He smirks , ' Sorry to disappoint you but you can’t get rid of me that easily.'

As my handler he was always the planner, ' What do you have in mind?'

'I have a few contacts who can help me get in touch with people powerful enough to not only want the fall of the Rogers but can actually do something about it.'

I chuckle , ' Who can be that powerful , David?'

' The British Tribune for one especially the First Family , the Harringtons . Oh and the Lui family.'

' Are you insane?' I turn on James, ' I killed President Lui's father.'

'The more reason he will help. Look it was a political hit and every Tribune and President has ordered them . President Lui may never like or forgive you for being the gun but he will understand you were just that, the gun. He would rather have the shooter who pulled the trigger and right now we are the only shot for both Tribunes to get to ours. All the Intel I have they will need me and I will help on one condition Shannon's freedom , the whole package deal with the triplets included. For now We have to leave Shannon where she is , if she is sick she needs help and we know the the Rogers will get her best the help we can never give her . She is safest there than running with us but I promise we will get them all back.'

' You will do that for me?'

' Of course kid and not just you , those are my grandkids.'

' So now I’m your son?'

' You always knew you were different to me.' He smiles genuinely and I nod my head with a warm feeling of trust.

' We’ll take you up on your offer,' A smiling Louise walks up to us. ' We want the Tribune out of the Office and it seems like this is our only real shot and you need all the help you can get . More muscle and a place to stay and I know people who can help us.'

'Other Liberators ?' Asks James.

' International Liberators for one and for now we can get another place with our funder, Vanderbilt.'

' As in old money plutocrat Vanderbilt? The big boys who managed to rebuild their wealth after the war , Vanderbilt?'

' Yes.' Replies Sammy from behind and we turn our attention to her. ' He is a sympathizer. We have many powerful friends , how do you think we have got all this?' She gestures to the Cathedral but even God’s house is no longer a sanctuary. Truth is I doubt if I would have respected it under orders.

' Why help us?' I ask.

' They killed the priest and nuns.' Louise walks up to us and speaks with a face and voice full of revenge. ' They were good people giving charity to the needy and I won’t let their deaths go unpunished. I won’t let Shannon end up in the hands that will make the powerful more powerful if she is as important as your friends say she is.'

' She is.' James confirms and smiles. ' I just remembered another ally , The African Tribune and their First Family, the Vilakazi Family. They claim as an illegal smuggled embryo , Shannon is African and should be under their protection. The Africans distrust westerners , call us White man oppression given our slavery and colonialism history . I bet they will be willing to give the Rogers a headache.' He laughs.

Every joins James in the laugh as it appears we just might start a war to remove our oppressors . A real revolution after centuries since the last one but I can’t smile. Again Shannon’s freedom seems to fading further in the background due to politics but they are my best chance to finding her and I’ll take what I can get. For now….

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