Chapter 14

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We pull up to a town house in the middle of the city . The doors are answered by a scared little teenager who reminds me of the deacon the first time I met him back at the cathedral. If Shannon was her I'm sure she would have something to say.

' She's here , right?' I ask Louise.

She nods her answer as we enter . It's a very expensive looking two storey townhouse with nine bedrooms , an entrance hall , dinning room , three drawing rooms.

' Vanderbilt?' I ask.

' No , one of our members is the owner. I told you we have many friends in high places.'

I nod and chose not to ask too many questions. The chandelier is the size of my own apartment.

' Marvin!' Sammy runs downstairs with excitement and gives me the biggest hug I have ever been given.

' You're very happy to see me.' I laugh and kiss her forehead.

' She was worried about you green eyes,' Shannon enters with a plate of fish and peanut butter( is she squeezing a grapefruit?). ' I tried reassuring her that you are virtually immortal but love is love and she is obsessed with you for some reason I can't comprehend.'

' Please , aren't you expecting his triplets?' Sammy challenges her.

' It's his eyes ,' Shannon sat down to eat whatever the hell is in her plate. ' I drowned in them when we met. Thought he was the most handsome thing I had ever seen but now...hmm.'

' Hmmm.' I chuckle. ' I missed you too Shannon.'

' Of course you would, green eyes.'

' Is that what we are calling him now?' There was something territorial in Sammy's voice.

' No, ' Grins Shannon, ' that's what I'm calling him.'

I take it they have been bonding quite well during my presence.

' Anyway , there is something I need to show you Louise.'

We watched a news update of the Vanderbilts being arrested for funding terrorist. Their assets all frozen and the police are reading all their estates.

Shannon searches for more unbiased news on social media and it appears a whistleblower connected to the Vanderbilts has leaked the ' Shannon mania'   to the public. Demonstrations and protests are rising with people getting fed up of plutocrats and the Tribune getting everything.

' It's a lie my mother is not a monster!' We all turn to face the crying and protesting Veronica.

I forgot we had her , she doesn't make much noise for a hostage but then again she could be scared to her wits.

' Your mother kidnapped me.' Shannon says it as a matter of fact.

' It's for the greater good , ' argues Veronica. ' the bloodline has to continue in order to produce presidents '

' Once upon a time presidents were elected and kings were produced.'

' They are kings in all but name. ' Argues Louise. ' Hypocrites . They were meant to save us, the Tribune , to prevent another nuclear war from occurring but they cemented their power and gave prestige and privileges to those with money who fund their tyranny while we are all dying. Our population us decreasing so rapidly in three generations to come the ordinary people will be a third of what we are. We have to take back power and their power us in the bearers.'

' You sound like a revolutionist.' Shannon says suddenly serious with squinting eyes.

' I am a revolutionist and I am going to give the power back to the people.'

' Hmmm, exactly what the Tribunes all said when they first came into the office. So did Robespierre , Lenin and Hitler. ' Shannon gets up. ' I'm going to my room.'

I wipe my hair dry as I leave my bathroom and enter my bedroom with nothing but a towel around my waist.

' Geez , privacy woman.' I look up to see Shannon resting on my bed.

' Please , don't be dramatic . It's nothing I haven't seen before,' She smiles recalling. ' No need to be shy.'

' What are you doing in here ?'

' Isn't it obvious? I was waiting for you so we can talk.' She places her hand on her belly . ' Another kick and another.'

I watching her smile I can't help but wonder.

' Do you want to..?' She gestures at her tummy.

I nod and keel before her , placing my hands on her belly I can't believe the feeling . The kicks make it real , they are alive and I made them. Pieces of Shannon and I .

' It's incredible isn't it?' She smiles at me, ' Two girls and a boy. Marvin we have to leave this place , you and I .'

' What?' I'm puzzled.

'I don't trust the Liberators.'

' Where is this coming from?'

' You heard Louise,' Shannon places her hands on my shoulder. ' She isn't going to change the system she is going to replace it. She will take the President's place.'

' No she seems as though she wants to help.'

' You hope she wants to help because of Sammy. I wanted to help and I fought in court for human rights . I know a tyrant when I see one believe me she is it and as for Sammy and Rodrigo they are her people.'

' That's a lie.' Sammy's voice interrupts us and she approaches. ' We are not tyrants we are trying to help everyone , help you Shannon. After everything we have risked to save you and this is the thanks we get?'

' Don't play the guilt card,' Shannon gets up. ' You aren't trying to help but trying to keep me for yourself. See Christian told me everything. The reason I'm so important , everyone knows multiples are genetic . Once upon a time before the Braun's Phenomena marker , multiples would skip a generation or two in a family. The woman whose embryo I belong to,  my biological mother , was the last to conceive twins and her grandmother also conceived twins. Do you get the picture , Marvin? That is why the triplets and I are important , they want our genetics if they can alter them to help produce mass multiples then birth rate increases.
Louise knows this and Sammy is her right hand , surely she knows. Of course I thought Christian was lying about the Liberators but after hearing Louise's speech, they are never going to let us go and the us doesn't include you . Louise will kill you once she is done.'

' She's lying...'

' Why would I lie? Where is James, Marvin? He was with Louise when Sammy and I were running from the Vanderbilt estate and suddenly your handler, the handler of the best SSI assassin who probably can use a gun is dead when the three spies trying to everyone where with you. Louise killed him.'

I don't want to believe her but there is a reason I don't do relationships , they complicate simple issues.

' You don't believe her do you?' She panics at the sight of my serious face. ' listen , Marvin , I like you and Louise promised me nothing would happen to you but the future of humanity is at stake and she could be the answer.'

' Marvin , this is bullshit...wait what are you doing?'

Shannon panics as she sees me gently approach Sammy and cup her cute adorable face in my hands.

How I liked that face? The face of the first woman in my life who wasn't a one night stand. I lean closer to her face and my lips nearly brush hers , she closes her eyes as my hands slide to her beautiful slim neck...Snap. Her lifeless body falls to the ground and this is why I never did relationships.

' ....You killed ....her?' Shannon spammers.

' Would you rather she kidnapped you? Let me get dressed so we can get out of here.'

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