Chapter 4

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' Marvin Grey?! ' Shannon chuckles.

' I know , my mum loved the singer and thought , Marvin Grey and Marvin Gaye have a nice ring of similarities. ' I remember her fondly .

' Well, the man was a legend , '  She agrees , ' It’s been hundreds of years and his song is still the hook up anthem.'

' Yeah .'

' So… never mind.' She shakes her head , ' I'm going to take a shower. Any clean clothes ?'

' I’ll put them on the bed for you. '

' Thanks. '

I don’t know when I fell asleep on the couch but the sound of the door opening had me jump right up and pull my gun out by instinct to the intruder.

' Easy , kid , it’s me.' David raises his hands , ' sorry I’m late I didn’t want to draw any suspicions .'

' Hey , man .'  I put the gun away. ' Had a hectic day so I’m on the edge a bit .'

' I can imagine , '  David approaches me and sits on the couch . ' Where is she ?'

' She was resting not too long ago but now she’s hiding behind the door.' I gesture my head to where she is at , ' Are you always this interfering?'

' No .' She leaves her hiding place dressed in a grey tracksuit and large t-shirt , she looks rested and refreshed , ' You’re the first guy in my life who kills people , I wouldn’t be human if I was curious , both curious and terrified so you can say I’m watching my back in case if you making plans to put me in a body bag.' She sits at the opposite sofa facing us.

She looks as beautiful as when I  met her the other night , she just needed some sleep.

' You told her?' David looks shocked .

' No , she figured it out .' I smirk at his confused face , ' She’s a lawyer .'

' Shit,  David , you had to pick a lawyer .' He shakes his head .

' Don’t blame him too much , I was the one who picked a criminal , I am going to get disbarred.' She drops her face looking regretful , ' What’s in the briefcase ?'

We all stare at David’s briefcase.

' Surely you didn’t come all this way to tell Marvin something you could have said on the phone .'

' No , I didn’t . You are too smart take care it won’t be the death of you. ' David opens his briefcase and takes out a file , ' I did some research on our friend’s case…'

' You can call me Shannon Harrison.' She interrupts.

David gives her a fake smile , ' Shannon Harrison , I pulled a few strings and all I can say is your not safe here. ' He hands me the file.

I browse through it , nothing of importance just the major background checks of her birth , education , no criminal record and every relationship or fling she has had.

' It’s the medical records boy ,' David hints for me to skip to the end. ' Her DNA shows that she is a substitute from very close and recent African roots . Mostly likely the donor's eggs were smuggled  here and given to her mum.  Her mother was third generation and sterile and yes smuggling eggs is a thing.
' Did you know that from beginning of genetic science hundreds of years it has been proven that Africans are not only the most fertile but also genetically produce multiples more than all the other women. The last five cases of twins were in Africa and Shannon is a direct descent of the Primary Bearer who produced the last twins fifty years ago .  '

' Which means multiples are in her genes .'  I sigh. ' Shit. '

' And you found all this on the official records?' Shannon asks David.

' Secret records after the doctor you consulted about your pregnancy gave your blood test to a private sector in the Tribune organization. ' Replies David.

' So the Tribune knows about this ? ' She gets up and starts pacing around .

' Tribunes in all the continents and plutocrats . ' He looks at her with pity , ' They are all calling in claim , Africans say you were stolen , here in America they say you are a citizen and …'

' And basically they will never leave me alone  cause it’s now battle of the fittest and my triplets and I are the trophy .' She sinks into the sofa looking hopeless . ' I can’t smuggle into another continent because my triplets will raise questions . I can’t run and start all over , I have to hide. ' She let’s out a bitter laugh , ' That or risk being separated from my kids , they'll go to the plutocrats and I will be a sex slave to the ruling class.'

' They don’t want to separate you . The plutocrats and Tribunes all want the whole package deal. ' David explains . ' You and your kids will produce generations of multiples and increase bloodlines to come or perhaps keys to further procreation in your genes to repopulate.'

' Oh , so not only will I be a sex slave but a guenia pig for repopulation ?'

' You and the other African women .' David looks back at me . ' The agency will soon figure out you are here . They are not going to let her go , not just our government and rich and ruthless but the whole world is coming after her . '

' Not on my watch.' I promise.

' I thought you might say that . '  David pulls out car keys and another pair of keys and an envelope with money , burner phone and an address. ' You are not safe here , take this and my car . There us a group of rebels who are still fighting the Tribune despite our efforts to distinguish them…'

' The Liberators .' Shannon finishes his sentence and we stare at him , ' I’m a lawyer and I told you I have fought the Tribune once so obviously  our paths crossed now and then , while not personally but with clients. '

' That’s good because you are safest with them and not us . ' Decides David , ' it is , a matter of time before the agency comes here. Oh and the fake passports and ID just in case . You need to move before President Rogers gets pissed , she is one ruthless bitch and she really wants Shannon for her son and the triplets for her family .'

' Oh Shit .' Shannon cries and I stare at her , ' The woman really is a bitch .'  She explains to me.

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