Chapter 8

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A-7 sat in the waiting room outside President Rogers' office as her , Superior , Assistant Director Gibson carried the unpleasant task of informing the Dragon lady of their failings. Damn , it just had to be T-23 . She never failed unless she was up against T-23.

' I don’t want to hear any of  your excuses , Gibson! ' Linda slammed her fist on the table and Christian rolled his eyes. ' I want results which is why I put you on this case.'

' Forgive me , ma'am,' Gibson bowed her head, ' but it’s T-23 . He is not an easy target as he is one of us and knows all our ways. He taught him everything he knows…'

' But you did not teach him everything you know. ' interrupts Christian standing behind his mother.

' He knows nearly every trick in the book…'

' How about you try something unorthodox , Assistant Director Gibson. ' Christian gives the woman a sinister smile.

' Because Sir , if we do so it will endanger the package.'

' No my son is on to something , ' smiles Linda , never had the resemblance between mother and son been more uncanny. ' If he anticipates every move you make , attack him with a new angle. '

' Ma’am if we endanger the Bearer , it will only tighten T-23's grip on her and he will be on offense. He knows all survival skills . He taught him to be a political killer and frankly speaking he has no problem killing a president and getting away with it . He has done it before remember.'

' Then we use the good old ancient way of fight .' Argues Christian , ' Divide and conquer.'

Both women stare at Christian.

' It his known his Handler , Agent James is the closest thing he has to family.'

' Get to the point, Christian !'

' The point is , mum, if someone wanted to get to you they would use Veronica and I . James must have someone he loves.'

' Well does he?' The President asks Gibson.

' His wife , Sarah James.'

' Use her to get to James and that will make him desperate enough to ask for help from the only person who can save her. T-23 will either feel guilty or obliged to help his father figure but obviously he can’t do it while dragging a pregnant woman around. '

' Oh I get it ,' Smiles Linda , ' We will lure him out to play. He saves James' wife while A-7 gets the Bearer , no complications there since her only worthy opponent will be occupied . See , I tell everyone my son us gifted and they all make a face like I’m another beaming parent who thinks her son is special but he really is a genius.'

' It all makes sense , Ma'am.' Gibson replies ,' except even if we lure T-23 out we don’t know where the Bearer is.'

' My dear , Assistant Director Gibson, must we spell everything out for you.' Linda relaxes into her chair , ' James obviously knows where he is , use his wife to get information out of him. You may go .'


A-7 stood up when she saw her mentor exit the door. The woman was petite like her with an angelic smile , black with a seductive voluptuous figure and stunning voice and just like A-7 , Gibson was not as harmless as she looked and right now she looked pissed.

' So I take it that didn’t go well.' A-7 stood up and joined Gibson to make their way out of the red brick , six storey Georgian state house.

' Does anything go well with the Rogers and her demonic son will make sure to continue the family tyrannical tradition .'

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