Chapter 11

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Shannon sat quietly in her room trying not to worry. She wasn't the suffer in silent type. When she was younger she would throw tantrums and break anything  She could find while yelling to get her family's attention.

Her siblings called her an attention seeking drama queen and they were right but now she has to keep her cool and not stress. Stress isn't good for the children , she kept reminding herself.

Here she was sitting in an isolated room belonging to a mansion that certainly wasn't the state house. This was a contemporary Scandinavian style decorated house with bullet proof floor length window/doors and lots of light. The tight security detail assured her it was the Rogers personal home.

It has been a good three weeks since she and Vanessa where kidnapped and she hadn't met the President Rogers yet only her obnoxious daughter and no  sign of attempted break in making her anxious and wondering if Marvin will find her.

At least she has Vanessa  she smiled . Her diet and prenatal care was nothing but the best and she was well recovered . Her body had changed during her imprisonment , not only had she gained weight but her bump was showing and it was huge , she was uncomfortably huge. She has being feeling kicks and discomfort  , too many children so little space she smiled . She wished Marvin was here  he would have loved to feel the kicks , to see the 4D scan showing two healthy girls and a boy . The first of their kind in four hundred years. She wondered if their eyes will be green like their father's or dark like her's. It will be soon till she finds out after all the gestational period for triplets is only seven months. Marvin had three months to find her before she gave birth and the Rogers separate her from her children. She wanted to cry , three months? Hopeless.

Shannon heard the door open but she didn't look up to see who it was . She just stared at the wall like a lunatic.

' Good morning.' A deep almost seductive yet sophisticated unfamiliar voice greeted her.

She turned to it's direction and found herself facing an immaculately dressed handsome young man with strawberry blond hair and spectacles who looked at least three years younger than her. She had seen his photos on magazine covers , newspapers and eligible bachelor lists. How would want to marry that thing ? He takes the commonly used phrase ' ruthless billionaire' to a whole new level.

' Mr Christian Rogers,' Shannon said wearing a bitter smile as she faced her jailer , ' I'll be damned. I was beginning to think you kidnapped the wrong person seeing how you went through all this trouble to find me only to abandon me in the middle of nowhere.'

' Absolutely not , this is our family home and we have been busy. You know damage control.' He replied as he took a seat opposite Shannon with one leg over the other and both hands rested on the arm chair. He looked self-assured , powerful and other worldly , almost attractive except she hated him.

' Damage control?'

' Precautions to make sure your boyfriend doesn't get any assassination ideas.'

'Didn't you put those ideas in his head twenty-two years ago?' She wasn't going to correct him that Marvin wasn't her boyfriend.

' I hope you have been accommodated well during my absence,' Christian changes the subject. ' My sister has being a sport?'

'You couldn't have chosen anyone better for the job.' Shannon frowned in distaste, ' She is obsessing over my every move and praying for the day she will steal my children simply because she can't have her own. She's knitting their clothes , buying zillions of toys but hey at least she makes sure I always have my well grilled fish drizzled with grapefruit and peanut butter?'

' Huh?' Christian raises his eyebrows.

' Don't ask just another perk of pregnancy.' Shannon gets up slowly and uncomfortably and walks up to the window staring outside where she longed to be, ' Your sister gets her family and probably marries. You won't marry because you will attached to a Bearer. How is this fair to you ? Are you sure it is
what you want?'

Christian smirks ,' If you are trying to play psychology then I suggest you hold your breath . We all make sacrifices if not me my sister but she is too stupid to run a country nevertheless I have cousins just like my grandfather was a cousin who stepped up when his own couldn't .'

' So this is what you want ?' Shannon turned to face him .' Have children with a hostage?'

' No , preserve legacy with a Bearer for the good of family and country.'

' Bullshit.' She spits , ' You want what all powerful people before you have ever wanted more power. Patterns of history have shown from the dawn of creation till now that men's downfall is greed and that is way with every era there is always war.'

' Our societies are not at war.'

' Not in daylight but fighting political wars in shadows.' Her feet were killing her so she sat on the floor ,' But they will always be war for history always repeats itself. Alexander the Great, Xerxes, Darius, Julius Caesar, Roman Empire, Vikings , Habsburgs , Bourbons, British Empire, American slavery, Soviet Union, Romanovs, Bonaparte and Lenin, Hilter , Mussolini , the list goes on.'

' On to what?' Questions a confused Christian.

' On to the fact that too much power gets you beat. It takes one voice to become the tiny crack that breaks down your iron walls. No man can be king of the world and it's been tried before. History remembers these dead fools as tyrants who only tried. Some succeeded of course but died way too young. There is no room in the world to share with giants.'

' Well you know your history,' Christian leans forward and wears a sinister smile , ' I'll be the first.'

Shannon would have argued that everyone thought they will be the first  or that they were different but she could see it deep in his eyes that he believed this. The President groomed her heir well , he truly believed he owned the world and now she was stuck with him , him and his ridiculous pompous joke of a sister.


Evelyn Harrison had been cuffed to the electric chair long enough. Three weeks of being confined to a metal cell with no windows and then being beaten or electrocuted for information.

Her husband was probably worried to death and so were her children. First Shannon vanished into thin air and now her. Her? This was all her fault...

Forty years ago after trying relentlessly for children with her husband , Evelyn got desperate. Gavin married her knowing she was a secondary substitute. From the start he wanted children but ten years of miscarriage from natural conception he was losing hope . He was going to leave her for his mistress, a first generation substitute.

After quietly consulting a fertility specialists it was confirmed the Braun's Phenomena marker she carried had mutated and caused premature fertility within her. She was getting desperate , Gavin's woman sent him a text she secretly read in his phone like she always did that she was pregnant. Not once did she blame him for his infidelity after all who wouldn't give anything for a baby.

She needed her own without Gavin getting suspicious so legal IVF was out of the question but on the streets she had about embryo smugglers and a friend of a friend had contacts with one from Africa. Perfect . She and Gavin were black so an African baby will not raise suspicions.

After four failed embryo transfers from the six she got , Evelyn finally got pregnant with Spencer. She got her baby and her husband  and eight years later another embryo smuggling deal from Africa got her Shannon . Six years after that came Latisha and now after all she sacrificed to keep Gavin and have a family , scary people have kidnapped her and want her contacts. Want her to name Kevin and Monica.....

After three weeks of being strong her body was giving in and she was worried sick about Shannon's disappearance. Maybe it had something to do with her. Her baby , the one she suffered for and turned herself into a criminal for was in danger . Maybe she could negotiate a deal , Shannon.

'Excuse me ,sir,' Evelyn spoke weakly through her bleeding lips and her bruised face hurt from the slightest movement. ' Tell Gibson, I'm ready to talk.'

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